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Post Industrial

The ‘Utopia 7’, ‘Post Industrial’ and ‘Mapped’ publications (and accompanying posters) are the outputs of research conducted by a group of eighteen students over three years, as part of an elective module in fourth year Architecture led by lecturer Miriam Delaney. The subject was Irish planned towns and villages, with particular focus on smaller settlements.

Each year between five and seven students began with a broad range of readings, archival research (the general bibliography indicates the key texts used) and map making. Students then proceeded to select one village for specific focus, visiting that village, drawing and photographing it, and conducting more in-depth historical research. The first publication ‘Utopia 7’, examined Irish utopian communities, the second ‘Post Industrial’ studied industrial settlements and the third publication ‘Mapped’ combined the previous two years work with new essays and drawings of Irish estate towns and villages. Students published their research in newspaper and book form and funded their publications through crowd funding.

The 2015/ 16 ‘Post Industrial’ group were Deepka Abbi, Stephen O’Brien, Mark Corcoran, Karen Tighe and Jack Worrall. 

This is an electronic copy of the Post Industrial publication.