Architectural Technology Consortium Apprenticeship Symposium
The TU Dublin School of Architecture hosted a symposium called 'Consortium Apprenticeship for Architectural Technology' in the Linenhall Gallery Bolton Street and online on Thursday 23 June 2022
The aim of the symposium was to enable industry, educational and professional body stakeholders to explore the merits of a consortium apprenticeship for the discipline of architectural technology.
The running order was as follows:
Session 1
- 14:00 Opening - Professor James Curtin, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, TU Dublin
- 14:10 Policy context - Development of New Apprenticeship provision: Dr Ruaidhri Neavyn, Higher Education Authority
- 14:30 Industry perspective - The Architectural Technologist in the Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) sector: Arthur O'Brien Director C&W O'Brien Architects
- 14:45 Educational perspective - Traditions in architectural technology work-based learning : Cormac Allen, Assistant Head of School, TU Dublin School of Architecture
- 15:00 Discussion
- 15:15 Break
Session 2
- 15:30 Case study #1 - Technology Enhanced Teaching and Learning (online and face-to-face): Kirk McCormack, Programme Chair, BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology, TU Dublin
- 15:50 Case study #2 - Ireland: Logistics Associate Apprenticeship (LAA): Declan Allen, Assistant Head of School, TU Dublin School of Business + Aidan Flynn, Chair of LAA Consortium
- 16:10 Case study #3 - UK Scotland: Graduate Apprenticeship - BSc (Hons) Architectural Technology: Dr Suha Jaradat. Head of Construction & Surveying, Associate Professor, School of Engineering & the Built Environment, Edinburgh Napier University
- 16:30 Discussion - Next steps, followed by networking / hospitality
- 17:00+ End
See the following presentations:
- ATCA 01 - Cormac Allen - Introduction
- ATCA 02 - Ruaidhri Neavin - Policy Perspective
- ATCA 03 - Cormac Allen - Architectural Technology Discipline Perspective
- ATCA 04 - Declan Allen Aidan Flynn - LAA
- ATCA 05 - Suha Jaradat - Napier Degree Apprenticeship
- ATCA 06 - Kirk McCormack - Pupiliage Digitalisation
See also the Apprenticeship Handbook DRAFT JUNE 2022. which is the latest draft of this important document.
Useful weblinks:
- Generation Apprenticeship
- Employers' role and responsibility
- Incentivised Employer scheme
- Incentivised Gender based bursary