Module Overview

Computing Fundamentals I

Part-time / Level  6 / Online

This module presents the essential mathematics of computer science which is necessary to support and enhance other modules on the course. The topics covered on this module are required in computer technology, database systems, software engineering, programming, knowledge representation, and algorithms. The module covers the basics of discrete mathematics including logic, sets, relations and functions. The material is presented using languages and software that emphasise the computer science aspects of discrete mathematics.



  • Logic: Propositional calculus, truth tables, logical equivalence, logical argument, predicate calculus, simple proofs.
  • Set Theory: Algebra of sets, power sets, cardinality, Venn diagrams, programming using sets.
  • Relations: Types, representations, equivalence, partial ord relational database theory.
  • Functions: The graph of a function, properties, compositio functions in programming languages.
  • Boolean Algebra: Basic laws, simplification of expressions application to switching circuits.
  • Number Systems: Binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, simple binary arithmetic.
  • Supporting software: The above topics will be supported by software tools including functional and logic based languages.

The course delivery involves a combination of lectures and labs which may incorporate the use of blended learning techniques as appropriate throughout the delivery.

Module Content & Assessment

Assessment Breakdown %
Formal Examination 70.00%
Other Assessment 30.00%
