Dr Abubakar Siddig

Image for Dr Abubakar  Siddig


Email: abubakr.siddig@tudublin.ie

Dr. Abubakr Siddig holds a PhD in Computer Science from University College Dublin, Ireland. He previously obtained a BSc (Honours) in Electrical Engineering, specializing in Electronics and Computer Systems, from the University of Khartoum, Sudan, as well as an MSc in Electrical Engineering with a focus on Signal Processing from Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden. Additionally, he completed a Postgraduate Diploma in Arts in Education, Learning, and Development at Griffith College, Ireland, and holds multiple certifications in business administration. 

Dr. Siddig’s research spans data science, natural language processing, data mining, and speech and audio quality analysis. He has made significant contributions to localization and AI-driven applications, with numerous publications in esteemed international journals and conferences. Recently, his research interests have expanded to include higher education policy and development, as well as the role of AI in education. 

With extensive professional experience, Dr. Siddig has worked in the telecommunications and oil and gas industries in various roles, the latest was a Business Development Manager. In academia, he has a wealth of experience teaching both undergraduate and postgraduate modules, designing academic programs, and serving on various committees.  

Dr. Siddig is currently the year mentor for third-year BSc Computer Science students at TU Dublin. 

Research Interests 

  • Artificial Intelligence in Education 
  • AI-driven applications 
  • Machine Learning 
  • Data Analytics 
  • Data Mining 
  • Speech and Audio Quality of Experience 


Google Scholar 

Research Profile – TU Dublin 

 Research Groups 

Global Entrepreneurship Talent Management 4 

Social Media 



Image for Dr Abubakar  Siddig