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Welcome to the future of computing. Welcome to HPC Nexus Lab at the School of Informatics and Cybersecurity, TU Dublin! 

The HPC Nexus Laboratory is a dedicated center for High Performance Computing (HPC) research, officially established at the School of Informatics and Cybersecurity, TU Dublin in October 2023. Dr Tania Malik, an Assistant Lecturer at the School of Informatics and Cybersecurity, is the founding Director of the HPC Nexus Laboratory. The lab hosts a community of enthusiastic graduate students and affiliated academic and Industry officials dedicated to advancing HPC research and technology.

The HPC Nexus Laboratory stands at the forefront of High-Performance Computing  research and explores its diverse applications across various fields. Our research is oriented around addressing the most complex challenges in parallel High Performance Computing, focusing on modern heterogeneous and hybrid compute nodes, complex large-scale heterogeneous clusters, and extreme-scale platforms. We work on the development of models,  algorithms, methods, software tools, systems, and development practices that will facilitate improved utilization of modern and perspective HPC platforms.
Additionally, our research tackle today's interdisciplinary computational challenges, such as analyzing Big Data, simulating complex systems, optimizing algorithms, and training compute-intensive ML and DL models for descriptive and predictive analysis, all of which could significantly benefit from HPC.




Project: Towards Energy Optimized High-Performance Computing: Reducing Energy Cost of Communication on HPC Platforms
Source: Irish Research Council (IRC)
Duration: Sept. 2023 - Sept. 2027

IRC Logo



Project: Scalable Performance Optimization of Machine Learning based Big data Analytics Applications on Modern Heterogeneous and Hybrid Computing Platforms.
Source: TU Dublin Scholarship
Duration: Dec. 2023- Dec. 2027
 TU Dublin Logo




Project: A framework for efficient and scalable High Performance Big Data Risk Analytics (HP-Analytics)
Source: Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) + Fidelity Ireland (19/IFA/7400)
Duration: 1 Jun 2020 - 31 Aug 2021



Project: Extreme Scale Systems Data Analytics 
Duration: May 2012-May 2016





Ready to collaborate, explore, or innovate? Reach out to us to discover how we can work together to advance the boundaries of technology and knowledge. Whether you are a researcher, student, industry partner, or technology enthusiast, HPC Nexus Lab welcomes you to join us.
You can contact Dr Tania Malik at:

Phone: +353 1 220 8444
Location: HPC Nexus Laboratory
School of Informatics and Cybersecurity
Technological University Dublin
Blanchardstown Campus
D15 YV78

Tania Malik

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