The school prides itself on the range of research led undergraduate and postgraduate programmes it offers. This requires academic staff members that are research active in areas that underpin our programmes and lead to postgraduate research opportunities at MSc and PhD level.
The schools active research areas include:
- Cyber Security & Digital Forensics
- Biometrics
- Design Technologies and Augmented Reality
- Data Science, Natural Language Processing and computational linguistics
- Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
- Sign Language Processing
- Learning Analytics
- Teaching & Learning
- High Performance Computing
- Sociotechnical studies
The school has a long history of participation and collaboration in national and EU funded research projects and has attracted research funding totalling 4.5 million in the last five years on projects including:
- Collaboratory (EI Regional Development Enterprise €2.5M)
- Cyber Skills (Partner in HEA HCI (Human Computer Interaction) P3 project €8.5M)
- SignON (partner in Horizon2020 project, €5.6M)
- DALTAI and SATLE2020 (National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, €289K combined).
- CloudStream (EI Commercialisation Fund of €380,000) in partnership with the Performance Engineering Lab, UCD and MDS Gateways
- N-Light (Tech Coalition Safe Online Research Fund of €102,000) in partnership with the ISPCC and
- PhD funding from IRC, TU Dublin, IBM, Dell
- Numerous funding amounts under 50K from EI Innovation vouchers, SFI Discovery, TU Dublin IMPACT, TU Dublin PG Funds, HEA etc.
These research areas are supported by the following research groups within the school:
- Cyber Security research group
- Drive research group
- Data Science research group
- Natural Language Processing group