The Disability Support Service in TU Dublin is in place is to ensure that no student with a disability experiences an educational disadvantage in accessing, fully participating in, and benefiting from, all educational opportunities during their time in TU Dublin

The disability officer for students in the School of Computer Science is Dr Art Sloan. For his contact details please see his staff profile.


Watch the short video below to learn about the Disability Support Services 

For more information, see the DSS page.


The goal of the Learning Support Service is to ensure that no student or apprentice with a disability experiences an educational disadvantage in accessing, fully participating in and benefiting from, educational opportunities at TU Dublin. The Learning Support Service, from a student-centred ethos, aims to foster the wellbeing of the student, while operating in a caring and responsive environment.


Watch the short video below to learn about the Learning Support Services 

For more information, see the City Campus Learning Support page.