The Digital Marketing Research Group (DMRG)
The DMRG is dedicated to the advancement of academic knowledge and industry application of the wider topic areas of digital marketing strategy, analytics, and technology. The DMRG aims to facilitate national and international leading scholarly and industry research in the field of digital marketing, addressing the needs of business and society in the thematic areas of digital advertising and social media, mobile marketing, platform and cloud services, web data management, and innovative digital technologies. The group provides an inclusive and outward looking environment for research development, fostering interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research to achieve maximum impact in real-world applications.
The DMRG is committed to understanding the risks, challenges, and opportunities associated with new disruptive and transformative ways of doing business today, by exploring and operationalising collaborative problem solving research in the digital age. The key principles of the DMRG is to contribute through rigorous and meaningful research, academic and industry collaboration and impact reflected in our commitment to increase quality, quantity, and output of our research endeavour.
An overview of current PhD research projects, working papers and conference presentations.
2019-2020: Yolanda, Guavarian (PhD student) Harbin Institute of Technology (China)
Supervisor Dr Etain Kidney , Dr Roisin Vize (TU Dublin) and Dr Li Guixon (Harbin IT)
Yolanda secured a 12 month international scholarship to study in TU Dublin under the supervision of Dr Etain Kidney and Dr Roisin Vize. Yolanda research is at an early stage. Her thesis examines sales behaviour during live streaming campaigns. While studying in TU Dublin Yolanda presented her research at leading European conferences.
Guavarian, Y., Kidney, E.,Vize, R., Guixon, L (2020) “Driving Performance Through online influencers: An Empirical Investigation of Live Streaming Campaign” European Academy of Management, Dublin, Ireland
Guavarian, Y., Kidney, E.,Vize, R., Guixon, L (2020) “Investigating factors that influence sales behavior in live streaming campaigns: a para-social perspective.” Colloquium on European Research in Retailing, Valencia, Spain
Fardus Sultan PhD Student, (TU Dublin) September 2018
Supervisors: Dr Valerie Gannon (TU Dublin)
Advisory Supervisor: Dr Andy Prothero (UCD)
Fardus Sultan is a PhD Candidate in the College of Business, TU Dublin, under the supervision of Dr Valerie Gannon (TU Dublin), and Dr Andy Prothero (UCD Business School). Fardus holds MSc in Cyberpsychology, where she received ‘the Student of the Year’ Award as well as an honours BA from the UCD in Politics and languages.
Her research, on the topic of “Audiences for Social Influencers: Media Literacy Skills” is funded via the TU Dublin Fiosraigh scholarship scheme which she won via competitive process. This qualitative research explores the nature of children’s media literacy skills in relation to social media influencers. It adopts EU Kids Online revised framework for researching children’s online engagement, and embraces the social eco-system as the unit of analysis, as opposed to the individual child. Fardus’ research has been presented at the European Communication Research and Education Association Conferences in Athens, Greece and again in Braga, Portugal, the inaugural British Psychological Society Cyberpsychology Conference in the UK, Unmute Yourself! SPHE Communication and Education in Response to Crises Conference in Dublin, at the Media Literacy Ireland Webinar and other related conferences. She has written a peer-reviewed blog for the European Children Online: Research and Evidence initiative and developed and delivered series of digital literacy workshops for primary school children, their parents and professionals working with children, some of which were delivered at the 3rdAnnual Critical Media Literacy Conference at TU Dublin.
Fardus is also a full-time lecturer in marketing and business computing in TU Dublin and is frequently invited to as a guest lecturer in cyberpsychology and marketing at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. She has also been an academic judge at the Global Undergraduate Awards’ Programme since 2019.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2021). TikTok, Tweens and Influencers: Exploring Children’s Digital Playgrounds. Children Online: Research and Evidence.
Sultan, F. (2021). Examine what works and what does not in your own writing in McQuillan, D. (Ed.),Finding your voice in academic writing. Peer-led Student Handbook Series, Handbook 3, Technological University Dublin.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2019). So, you want to be a Social Media Influencer? RTE Brainstorm, Dublin, Ireland.
Sultan, F., Gannon, V. & Prothero, A. Children and social media influencers: A socio-cultural perspective Special Issue of the Journal of Marketing Management.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2021). How children negotiate social media influencers content – An Explorative study. The European Communication Research and Education Association Conference (ECREA). Braga, Portugal.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2021). Digital Playgrounds: A Snapshot of Irish Tweens Media Literacy Skills in Navigating Social Media Influencers’ Landscape. Unmute Yourself! Communication and Education in Response to Crises – SPHE Conference. Dublin, Ireland
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2021). Influencing children: Children as audiences for social media influencers – An Explorative study. British Psychological Society Cyberpsychology Conference, UK
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2021). Media literacy skills: Children as audiences of for social media influencers [Poster presentation]. College of Business PhD Showcase, Technological University Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2020). Who is influencing who? – Children and social media influencers: Media literacy [Webinar]. Media Literacy Ireland. Dublin, Ireland.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2019). Children’s Digital Literacy: Audiences for online social media influencers. The European Communication and Research Education Association (ECREA) TWG Children’s Online Worlds, Digital Media and Digital Literacy Conference. Athens, Greece.
Sultan, F. (2019). Positive time online: Children’s workshops on digital literacy. Critical Media Literacy Conference. Technological University Dublin, Dublin.
Sultan, F. & Gannon, V. (2019). Through the lens of critical media literacy: Children as audiences of for social media influencers. [Poster presentation]. Technological University Dublin, Graduate Symposium. Dublin, Ireland.
PhD 2014 – 2019:
Doctoral Student Ruiqi Wei (completed)
Supervisor's: Professor Susi Geiger (UCD) and Dr Roisin Vize (TU Dublin)
Doctoral Thesis:
‘The Management and Governance of Digital Platforms in Business-to-Business Markets’
Through case based research, the study explored how Chinese solution providers design and integrate digital platforms including human resources, organisational practices and solution services to facilitate orchestrating dynamic networks. Ruiq’s work has been presented at international conferences such as the American Marketing Association (AMA), Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) and the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing conference (IMP). Ruiqi is now a full time Marketing lecturer at the Lyon Business School, France.
Wei, R., Geiger, S, Vize, R (2019) A Platform Approach in Solution Business: How Platform Openness can be Used to Control Solution Networks. Industrial Marketing Management, Vol 83 p. 251-265
Papers under review (2nd Round Reviews)
Wei, R., Geiger, S., and Vize, R. Boundary Resources in Solution Networks: Toward a Framework of Boundary Resource Interactions. European Journal of Marketing
Wei, R., Geiger, S., and Vize, R. Managing paradoxical tensions in platform-based modular solution networks. Industrial Marketing Management
Vize, R., Rooney, T and Murphy, L (2020) In Digital Technology We Trust: A FinTech B2B Context, in the Handbook of Research on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Digital Transformation and Innovation - IGI Global
Abstract: This chapter explores the concept of trust and issues relating to how the construct is conceptualised and understood in a traditional offline context as well as in online environments. The chapter opens with a mini case study that highlights the complexities of being a privately-owned small firm operating in a dynamic and largely unregulated web environment. The firm is relatively new to the financial sector thus augmenting the challenges that lie in reducing perceived risk in an industry that has a chequered history with customer perceptions of credibility and integrity in the financial services sector. The chapter introduces the theoretical underpinning, which draws from the trust theories and technology adoption at firm level, which is critiqued through the lens of the technology acceptance model. Concepts related to institution-based trust are discussed and managerial implications are considered for pure play firms operating online. Each section of the chapter explores these theoretical perspectives from a FinTech context.
Dean Creevey, Etain Kidney & Glenn Mehta (2019) ''From dreaming to believing: a review of consumer engagement behaviours with brands’ social media content across the holiday travel process, Journal of Travel & Tourism Marketing, 36:6, 679-691''
This paper reviews social media user engagement behaviours with brands and proposes a new stage within the travel process. Specifically, the pre-trip stage is examined and investigation into a two sub-stage split is proposed; pre-purchase and post-purchase. Dubbed the Believing phase, this paper calls for research into the patterns of engagement behaviour towards hotel brands’ content at this currently under-researched stage. Current social media-focussed research examines influence on purchasing decisions of users, social media usage on-site, and post-trip evaluation. There remains a conceptual gap highlighting the behavioural patterns of users during the period between initial purchase and subsequent departure.
Wei, R., Geiger, S., Vize, R. (2019) A Platform Approach in Solution Business: How Platform Openness can be Used to Control Solution Networks. Industrial Marketing Management(ahead of print).
This paper explores how customer solution providers leverage digital platform architectures and particularly platform openness to exert control over complex organizational networks. A multiple case-study approach studies three companies with digital platforms that orchestrate solution networks in the LED and ICT industries. Our findings show that the features of product modules (core or peripheral), service modules (relationship intensity and customization), and knowledge modules (explicit, tacit and codified) have differential influence on the levels of platform openness. By managing platform openness of different subsystems accordingly, the solution providers can achieve different control benefits, including ensuring module quality, increasing offering variety, reducing dependence on module providers, and facilitating resource sharing. We contribute to the literature on solution business by reconceptualising the platform approach from a two-level perspective. We also deepen the field's understanding of the role of digital platforms in solution business from an architectural perspective.
A Platform Approach in Solution Business
Vize, R., and Sherrett, M. (2018) B2B Social Media Marketing: From Information to Decision to Retention. . In Bikramiit, R & Subir, B, Contemporary Issues in Social Media Marketing: Routledge Publishing Group, UK. ISBN 9781138619184
Title: B2B Social Media Marketing: From Information to Decision to Retention
Social networks in a business context, are referred to as two or more connected business relationships, where an ‘exchange’ exists between business partners. The concept of a ‘network’ is based on the establishment of ties between individuals, groups of people, organizational departments or corporations, that leads to the creation of social networks (Michaelidou et al., 2011:1154). Advances in web-based technology and innovation have changed the nature of social networks. Where traditional social networks involve personal and social interaction of people, these interactions are now mediated by computers and web connected devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and e-notebooks. Social media marketing has fundamentally changed the way marketers communicate, interact, consume and create both within and outside the firm. This form of marketing represents one of the most transformative impacts web technology has had on a firm since the advent of the Internet (Dou et al., 2013). The growth of social media sites has revolutionized the way businesses relate to the marketplace, opening up new and exciting possibilities but also creating unprecedented challenges (Aral, 2011, Kaplan and Haenlein, 2010). As social media marketing has proliferated significantly from a B2C context its uptake as a marketing tool in the B2B context is relatively meagre, by comparison (Swani et al., 2014).
This chapter explores the benefits and challenges of social media marketing from a B2B perspective. It synthesizes theoretical and practitioner frameworks for understanding and resolving challenges relating to social media strategy development, tactical implementation and performance measurement. Practical recommendations along with best practice case examples highlight strategies a marketer can consider as they design, plan and integrate social media content for the modern, socially connected B2B buyer.
Gannon, V. and Prothero, A. (2018) “Beauty bloggers and YouTubers as a community of practice”, Journal of Marketing Mangement, 34, 7/8.
Title: Beauty bloggers and YouTubers as a community of practice
Much consumption-related activity online is outside of what is understood traditionally as community and is via user-generated content (UGC), of which blogs and YouTube channels in particular dominate in the beauty sphere. Community of practice (CoP) theory from social learning and organisation studies offers an alternative way to understand these consumption-based UGC practices. This study combines data from 25 interviews with bloggers and YouTubers and their blog posts and videos. Among these UGC creators we find mutual engagement, shared repertoires and joint enterprise. This paper theorises consumption-based UGC creators as a CoP and contributes insights for mangers as to how to engage with them as practitioners and learners.
Gannon, V. and Prothero, A. (2016) “Beauty blogger selfies as authenticating practices”, European Journal of Management, 50, 9/10.
Title: Beauty blogger selfies as authenticating practices
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to consider the use of beauty blogging selfies in conveying consumer authenticity. The authors used an under-researched consumer-based authenticity approach. Design/methodology/approach The authors adopt a practice theory approach to selfies as both objects and practices. The study combines depth-interviews with a review of the participants’ blogs and selfies. Findings This research shows that bloggers use selfies as records of product trial, success and failure via specific sub-types. These selfies function as authenticating consumer acts, intertwined with key life narratives and as records of communal events, where bloggers identify as a community. Research limitations/implications This research is limited to beauty bloggers. Further research on consumer authenticity could be extended to other product categories and other media channels. The widened definition of selfies proposed enables further research on self-representational practices in consumption contexts. Likewise, the practice theory approach could be extended to other online contexts. Practical implications As social media and peer endorsement become ever more important to marketers, brands are seeking to leverage bloggers as brand ambassadors as well as the authenticity they convey. Maintaining this authenticity and credibility among peer networks and audiences is crucial for influencers and for marketers. Originality/value This study contributes to the understanding of consumer-based authenticity, self-representational practices using selfies and beauty blogging communities. Practice theories are applied in an online context, suggesting an opening for further research into mediated practices.
Kennedy, C., Kennedy, A. and Gannon, V. (2014) “Exploring the impact of consumer generated advertising (CGA) on consumer brand responses”, Journal of Customer Behaviour, 13, 4.
Title: Exploring the impact of consumer generated advertising (CGA) on consumer brand responses
Consumer-generated advertising (CGA) refers to any user-generated brand-related content, and can include online product testimonials, product reviews and user-generated advertisements. Concerns have arisen that these CGAs pose a threat for the brands they feature, as marketers fear they may take the brand out of the firm's control. This study builds on an emerging stream of research about CGAs that examines the impact of source effects coupled with consumer responses to CGA. The experimental research design, using both official and CGA Apple advertisements, investigates how various types of CGA (contrarian, incongruous, subversive and concordant) impact consumers' perceptions towards the brand, brand trust, source credibility and purchase intentions. Findings suggest that the potential impact of a CGA on consumers' perception of a brand is very much dependent on the type of CGA under investigation, rather than whether its approach to the brand is positive or negative.
Vize, R., Coughlan, J., Kennedy, A., Ellis-Chadwick, F. (2013) “Technology readiness in an online retail context: An examination of antecedents and consequences” Industrial Marketing Management, 42 (6), 909-918
Title: Technology readiness in an online retail context: An examination of antecedents and consequences
This paper develops and empirically tests a model that examines the role of Technology Readiness (TR) in the Business-to-Business (B2B) context. It examines how the antecedents of TR affect the construct, and how the construct affects evaluations of a complex credence based B2B service. The research investigates how the retailers’ TR impacts their evaluation of web solution service providers (WSSPs). It responds to previous research calls by extending the TR construct from the business-to-consumer (B2C) perspective that is traditional in the extant literature into the B2B domain. The key findings of a survey conducted with 133 firms in the retail industry are that TR is an important contributor to the eventual achievement of service quality and satisfaction. The key contributions of this study are; first it develops and validates a measure of TR in a B2B context; second it investigates the antecedents of TR in this domain, demonstrating the impact of past inexperience, industry trust and switching costs on firms’ level of technology readiness to adopt online operations; and third, it finds that service quality and satisfaction are outcomes of TR. The key management implication for WSSPs is the need to address the TR levels of existing and potential clients if they wish to deliver successful e-business solutions to them, and that their clients’ TR can be better managed by making the offerings more easily understood, building relational rapport, reducing risk perceptions and adopting a client centric perspective throughout the process.
Peer Reviewed Conference Publications
Kearney T., Vize, R. and Gong, T (2019) Digitally Engaged Consumers: A Multi-Level Perspective of Higher Education Actors and Their Technology Readiness American Marketing Association Conference (AMA) Journal of Marketing Research Special Issue Conference on Marketing and Education
Wei, R., Geiger. S. & Vize, R. (2019) “Network Governance in Solution Networks: Managing Paradoxical Tensions in Modularity” BMM-EMAC Biennial International Conference on Business Market Management. Berlin, Germany.
Wei, R., Geiger. S. & Vize, R. (2019). “Bridging Islands: Boundary Resources in Solution Networks”. In 2019 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference. Vancouver, BC, Canada. AMS
Kearney T., and Vize, R. (2018) Digitally Engaged Services: A Multi-Level Perspective on Technology Readiness and Value Co-Creation Behaviour 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. New Orleans, US.
Wei, R., Geiger. S. & Vize, R. (2018). A Platform Approach in Servitization: How Platform Openness can be Used to Control Solution Networks. In 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. New Orleans, US. AMS
Kearney T., and Vize, R. (2018) Digitally Engaged Services: A Multi-Level Perspective on Technology Readiness and Value Co-Creation Behaviour 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. New Orleans, US.
Wei, R., Geiger. S. & Vize, R. (2018). A Platform Approach in Servitization: How Platform Openness can be Used to Control Solution Networks. In 2018 Academy of Marketing Science (AMS) Annual Conference. New Orleans, US. AMS
Ryan, D. and Gannon, V. (2018) “Uses and Gratifications of Dark Social Networks: A Comparison of WhatsApp and Messenger”, Irish Academy of Management Conference, University College Cork, September.
Heredora, B. and Gannon, V. (2018) “Internationalisation of SMEs: Enabling, Motivating, Mediating and Moderating Forces”, Irish Academy of Management Conference, University College Cork, September.
Vize, R., Coughlan, J., Kennedy, A., Ellis-Chadwick, F., (2017) An empirical examination of B2B service quality in credence based e-servies: It's impact on loyalty. Frontiers in Service Conference, Fordham University, New York, 22-24th June
Vize, R., Kearney, T., (2017) Technology Acceptance of Online Learning Environments (OLEs) and the implications for Value Co-Creation in a Digital Age. Frontiers in Service Conference, Fordham University, New York, 22-24th June
Gannon, V. and Prothero, A. (2016) “Beauty bloggers and YouTubers as Community: Practices and Sense of Community”, Consumer Culture Theory Conference, Skema Business School, Lille, July.
December 2020: ConnectED Business Seminar Series: ‘Netnography for the COVID age’ with Professor Robert Kozinets
As part of the ConnectED series the research group invited Professor Kozinets (USC) back to TUDublin to host an online seminar on his research methodology, netnography. Professor Kozinets cast the discussion at a pragmatic level appropriate to PhD students looking at utilizing this qualitative research technique as well as to understand ways that researchers have been adapting to the new contingencies during COVID-19.
November 2019: Netnography Workshop
Professor Robert V Kozinets, a globally recognised expert in the field of social media and the founder of this relatively new methodology, was invited by the group to TUDublin to facilitate an intense two-day workshop to research students and lecturer’s. The workshop covered the principles, philosophy and procedures in conducting a netnographic research study. The workshop initiated and inspired the development of research projects at MSc and PhD level. One such project was awarded funding and a new PhD student for the school.
May 2019: Social Network Analysis Workshop
Facilitated by Roland Adorjani, a doctoral researcher and senior research specialist at Princeton University (formerly UCD). This hands-on workshop provided a practical introduction to the analysis of social networks, visualisation and modelling of networks using R. The workshop was attended by lecturer’s, active researchers and doctoral students.
2020-2021 research workshop and supports programme of events
Industry news
2021 Dublin City Council / Local Enterprise Office ENFUSE project collaboration.
This year the MSc Digital Marketing students are involved in the ENFUSE pilot project as part of their Digital Campaign Planning module, co-ordinated by Dr Roisin Vize. This initiative was launched in 2020 by Dublin City Council and in collaboration with TU Dublin, DCU & NCI. The aim is to match enterprises (SME) with Master’s level students from the collaborating universities. The students work in teams and help provide insights, solutions and present a bespoke plan for how the firm’s challenges and opportunities could be addressed going forward. The teams present to the firm, the lecturer and the DCC representative. Shortlisted teams then present as finalists at the ENFUSE pitch competition, which are assessed by leading industry experts.
TU Dublin Enterprise Response Forum: July 2020
Representing the school of Marketing, Dr Tara Rooney and Alex Gibson participated in the recruitment of industry experts and facilitated an ideation panel to identify and develop proposals to support enterprise resilience during the pandemic. The overarching theme was ‘Digitization of Enterprise’ – SME focus – full report here
TUDublin Digital Marketing Student Orlagh Cramp wins Digital Student of the Year
Orlagh Cramp is a student of the Masters in Digital Marketing, a graduate of the Marketing degree programme, her winning entry was a social media strategy created for a craft spirit distillery, the strategy involved two campaigns with the aim of building brand equity & brand awareness amongst their primary markets and increasing their social fans. You can read the full story here.
DMX Dublin- sponsored by TU Dublin
DMX Dublin features over 30 world-leading speakers in multiple presentation streams, and over 800 marketing professionals attendees in a full day of sharing, learning and networking. A Marketing Institute event, DMX Dublin celebrates the crossover of marketing, digital, creative and media, TU Dublin are delighted to be involved with the conference and the team look forward to seeing you there on the 7th of March.
TUDublin Hothouse’s Research Discovery Fund Award
Dr Roisin Vize from the School of Marketing at TU Dublin's College of Business is the recipient of the Hothouse’s Discovery Fund College Award. You can read the full story here.
Getting Started! Research Workshops and Supports 2018 – 2019 programme of events
An Introduction to the European Research Council grant application
Dr. Graeme Horley, Programme Manager and ERC National Contact Point, Science Foundation Ireland
ERC grants are awarded through open competition to projects (all disciplines) headed by starting and established researchers, irrespective of their origins, who are working or moving to work in Europe. The sole criterion for selection is scientific excellence. The aim is to recognise the best ideas and confer status and visibility on the best brains in Europe, while also attracting talent from abroad (ERC website: November 2018). Two years post a PhD ECRs are eligible to apply for a €1.5 m funding grant, so it is never too soon to start developing that great research idea and building, prior to application, a relevant track record/curriculum vitae.
TUDublin Early Career Researcher Framework and Programme
Dr Róisín Vize- Lecturer in Digital Marketing, Founder of DMRG
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Dr Róisín VizeLecturer in Digital Marketing
Tel: +353 (0)1 402 7148 |
Dr Valerie Gannon- Lecturer in Marketing Communications
Tel: +353-1-4023150
Twitter: @ValerieGannon
Dr. Tara Rooney- Lecturer in Strategic Marketing
PHONE: 01 402 7013
Twitter: @TaraRMkt
Dr Margaret-Anne Lawlor- Lecturer in Marketing
Dr Ayman Tobial- Lecturer in Digital Marketing Anlaytics