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Developing a Critical Management Pedagogy

Activity Details

Description: The aim of this project is the development of a Critical Management Studies (CMS) pedagogical resource pack for integration across programmes in the Faculty of Business, as well as Open Educational Resources (OERs) on various topics related to CMS for academics to integrate into their management education practice. This pedagogical resource pack will work towards raising the critical and socially consciousness awareness of students to provide them with the skillset to challenge the status quo and create alternative versions of what is possible.

A critical management pedagogy understands management education to be political, ethical, humanistic, and even radical, and invites students to take seriously the history of exploitation and oppression reproduced by different forms of political economy, including capitalism, White heteropatriarchy, colonialism and imperialism, and the progressive struggles for freedom and equality. Management educators often rely on economic orthodoxy and omit critiques of neoliberal capitalism and incessant growth, and the corresponding effects of structural inequality from our teaching. This has, in part, helped bring us to our current epoch of crises and uncertainty: climate crisis and collapse of ecosystems, massive wealth gaps, the rise of hard-right populist politics, the exacerbation of inequalities, etc. A critical management education focuses on cultivating critical thinking skills and consciousness raising with students to support them in understanding and challenging inequality broadly across the three areas of sustainability – environmental, social and economic.

Funding: This project is funded by TU Dublin GROWTHhub Entrepreneurship Education Bursary and TU Dublin Sustainability Education Bursary.


The output from this project, include:

1. Open Educational Resources: Critical Management Studies pedagogical resources

2. Publications: (1) Manning, J. (2023) Problematizing Management Learning and Education in the Development of a Critical Management Pedagogy. Irish Journal of Academic Practice, 11(1), Article 6.

3. Academy of Management Professional Development Workshop: Alakavuklar, O. N., Barros, A., Bristow, A., Manning, J. & Zulfiqar, G. M. (2023) Performativity, Academic Activism, and Critical Management Education. In the Critical Management Studies division of the Academy of Management Annual Meeting.


Dr. Jennifer Manning: