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Dr. Roisin Donnelly

Image for Dr. Roisin  Donnelly

Head, School of Management, People and Organisations


Tel: +35312205425

Qualifications: BA Hons; MSc; PGCTHE; MEd; EdD; FHEA; FSEDA

In my current role as Head of School of MPO, the priority is the diverse programme portfolio at UG, PG and Executive Education levels, the student experience, research and industry engagement; I am proud to lead a great academic team who have developed and deliver seminal programmes spanning its four disciplines of Management, Strategy & Leadership, HRM and Organisation Studies, with student experience at the heart of every decision made.  Experiential learning opportunities for our students is a priority and this led to the ongoing nurturing of Student Case Competitions, and our extensive work with professional bodies such as the CIPD – The Professional Body for HR and People Development.

I commenced my lecturing and research career at the University of Ulster in 1992 in Computing & Info Systems, and the Northern Ireland Knowledge Engineering Laboratory before moving to the University of New South Wales in Sydney as a Visiting Research Fellow to their Informatics Faculty.  From 1999, I enjoyed a 20+ year career as an academic developer and project manager, most recently with the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning gaining wide experience across the Irish HE sector. I am a Fellow of both the UK Higher Education Academy and SEDA, and am a graduate of the University of Ulster and Queen’s University Belfast where I obtained a PG Certificate in University Teaching, two Masters and a Doctorate. I am the founder and co-editor of the Irish Journal of Academic Practice (IJAP), as well as a reviewer for several international journals. I have guest lectured at the University of Queensland, Oxford Brookes and the University of Tampere. My doctorate focused on problem-based learning as a signature pedagogy in f2f and virtual spaces. 

In the News

  • March 2019: Irish plan offers European roadmap to improve teaching: Ireland’s efforts to develop the skills of university teachers could be copied elsewhere in Europe, says Terry Maguire and Roisin Donnelly:
  • July 2019: Dr. Roisin Donnelly was invited to speak at the Times Higher Education Lifelong Learning for Lifelong Employability Symposium at the University of Navarra, Madrid with Phil Baty (THE chief knowledge officer), Giuseppe Auricchio (Exec Director of Learning Innovation at IESE Business School), Marie-Céline Daniel, (Vice-president of education and lifelong learning at Sorbonne University), Andreas Vaterlaus (Vice-rector for curriculum development, ETH Zurich) and Robert Wagenaar (Director International Tuning Academy Groningen, Netherlands).
  • Nov 2021: Dr. Roisin Donnelly was an invited contributor at the OECD Panel on Fostering 21st Century Skills in Higher Education:

Academic Publications 

View the full listing of books, chapters, journal articles and conference papers by Roisin.

Committee and Panel Membership

Image for Dr. Roisin  Donnelly