Richard Woodward

Tel: +353 1 2208501
Discipline: Global Business
Current role & Experience
Richard is Assistant Lecturer in Global Business in the School of Global Business on the Blanchardstown Campus. He joined the University in March 2021 having previously lectured at the University of Hull (2001-15) and Coventry University (2015-21), holding senior leadership posts in the areas of student recruitment, internationalisation and quality assurance and enhancement. Prior to this he worked as a banker, bookmaker and payroll manager. He has written widely on aspects of globalisation and the institutions of global economic governance including three books, the most recent of which, a second edition of The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, was published in 2022. He is Associate Editor of the International Journal of Social Economics and a Non-Resident Fellow at Trends Research and Advisory in the UAE. Further information about his work can be found at his website.
Richard’s research interests are in the field of political economy and sit at the interstices of the disciplines of international relations, international business and international sport. Specifically:
- the institutions of global economic governance, most notably the OECD and its role in constructing the ideas, norms and rules governing contemporary policy areas
- sports mega-events, diplomacy and soft power
- doing business in a de-globalising world
- industrial strategy and innovation
Woodward, R. (2022) The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (2nd edition), Abingdon: Routledge.
Davies, M.D.V. & Woodward, R. (2014) International Organisations: A Companion, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Woodward, R. (2009) The Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development, Abingdon: Routledge.
Baker, A., Hudson, D. & Woodward, R. (eds.) (2005) Governing Financial Globalization: International political economy and multi-level governance, London: Routledge.
Chapters in Books:
Woodward, R. (2021) ‘Putting the ‘D’ into the OECD – The DAC in the Cold War Years’, in G.Bracho (eds.) Origins, Evolution and Future of Global Development Cooperation: The Role of the Development Assistance Committee, Bonn: Deutsches Institut fur Entwicklungspolitik, pp. 272-89.
Silverwood, J. & Woodward, R. (2021) ‘Prisoner of the past: UK Industrial Strategy from Empire to Brexit’, in C.Berry, J.Froud and T.Barker (eds.) The Political Economy of Industrial Policy in the UK: From Productivity Problems to Development Dilemmas, Newcastle: Agenda Publishing, pp.46-64.
Woodward, R. (2019) ‘Governance in a globalised world’, in J.Michie (ed.), The Handbook of Globalisation (3rd edition), Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 324-33.
Woodward, R. (2018) ‘The evolution of the international corporate tax regime, 1920-2008’, in R.Eccleston and A.Elbra (eds.), Business, civil society and the ‘new’ politics of corporate tax justice: Paying Their Fair Share?, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 22-39.
Woodward, R. (2018) ‘Tax havens in an austere world: the clash of new ideas and existing interests’, in B.Evans and S.McBride (eds.), Austerity and the State, Toronto: University of Toronto Press, pp.243-63.
Journal Publications:
Woodward, R. & Silverwood, J. (2023) ‘What we do in the shadows: Dual industrial policy during the Thatcher governments, 1979-1990’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 25, 2, 348-64.
Sharma, A., Sousa, C. & Woodward, R. (2022) ‘Determinants of innovation outcomes: The role of institutional quality’, Technovation, vol. 118, Article 102562.
Woodward, R. (2020) ‘Sport diplomacy and UK soft power: The case of Mount Everest’, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, vol. 22, 2, 274-92.
Sharma, A., Grillini, S. & Woodward, R. (2020) ‘Unconditional Quantile Regression Analysis of UK Inbound Tourist Expenditures’, Economics Letters, vol. 186, Article 108857.
Silverwood, J. & Woodward, R. (2018) ‘From Maggie to May: Forty Years of (De)Industrial Strategy’, Political Quarterly vol. 89, 4, pp.631-39.