Karen Feery

Email: Karen.feery@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 2207298
Discipline: Global Business
Current role & Experience
Currently, I deliver modules in Organisational Behaviour, Cross Cultural Management and Business German on the Business programmes at TU Dublin Blanchardstown. I hold a PhD in Sociolinguistics (UCD) and a Master of Science in Organisational Behaviour and Work Psychology (DCU). I have been lecturing on the Blanchardstown Campus since 2001 and have been teaching and researching in higher education for twenty-five years. My current research interests are employee well-being, work-related stress and burnout and the impact of remote working and flexible work arrangements on the modern workplace. Prior to working in education, I worked in the tourism industry in both Ireland and Germany for several years.
Journal Publications:
Feery, K. and Conway, E., 2023. The impact of work-related technology and boundary management on work-family conflict and enrichment during COVID-19. The Irish Journal of Management.
Conference Proceedings/Papers:
Feery, K., Dublin, T.U. and Conway, E., Technology use during COVID-19: For better or for worse? In CIPD UK APPLIED RESEARCH CONFERENCE 2023 (p. 16).