Iryna Mazur

Discipline: Global Business (European Studies, Sustainable Business Practices, Law and Regulatory Environment)/ Business & Society (Principle of Business, Economics)
ORCID: 0000-0002-9492-6458
Google Scholar Profile: please see here.
Current role & Experience
As Assistant Lecture of School of Global Business Iryna Mazur provides the academic direction of courses including teaching, research and academic assessment, supervision of post-graduate students, academic and consultative support to students in their learning and research activities, academic input on existing and new courses and course development, etc.
Within TU Dublin Iryna teaches several undergraduate modules: European Studies, Principles of Business, Law and Regulatory Environment, Sustainable Business Practice and Economics.
Have being accredited Assistant Professor with 18 years of academic experience, history of public service, research, and teaching activity Iryna became an expert in business economics, national economy, energy security, strategic and investment planning, public finance management, as well as a skilled professional in writing budget programs and detailed reports, financial and economic, risks’ analysis and strategy planning.
Before joining the School of Global Business in 2022 Iryna have been working as a Vice-Deputy Rector for Research, Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit, Associate Professor of the Department of Finance and Credit Head of the Department of Finance in the King Danylo University (Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine), National Transport University (Kyiv, Ukraine), Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas.
Teaching & Supervision
In Ukraine Iryna was teaching bachelor’s and master’s programmes following modules: Business Economics, Economic Analysis, Anti-Crises Management, Strategic Management, Enterprise Finance, Money and Credit, Project Financing, Tax System, Tax Management, Budget System, Budget Management, Public Finance, Banking System, Banking Operations, Banking Management, and on post-graduate programme – Project Management and Financial Rehabilitation Management of Enterprises etc.
Within School of Global Business Iryna supervised students’ participation in the research project for Logistics Plus Inc. (1406 Peach St., Erie, PA 16501, USA) “The State of Machine Learning”. Students collaborate with the Logistics Plus Inc. research team. Themes of the project were included as the alternative version of CA for European Studies and Principles of Business modules. Our student, who demonstrated the best results and prepared the best presentation, was awarded the cover letter and was included to the “talent pool” of the company.
Furthermore, Iryna is involved in doctoral degree examination, recently at the Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University (Georgia), Kyiv National University of Technology and Design (Ukraine), Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, King Danylo University, etc.
During the academic experience master’s works in Business Economics and Finance were supervised (more then 50 master’s dissertations).
Moreover, Iryna have provided students with research activities, organized and coordinated work of two Junior Research Assistants within the research topic of the Department of Business Economics of Ivano-Frankivsk National University of Oil and Gas “Development of Processes and Procedures for Accounting and Cost Analysis to Form Prices and Tariffs for Oil and Gas Companies”.
Sustainable business performance and sustainable finance:
Sustainable business transition and development
Development of EU Taxonomy
ESGs financial and non-financial disclosure issues
Effectiveness of decisions in the field of energy security evaluation
Development of the organizational and economic mechanism of the energy security
Circular economic evaluation tools
Ensuring effectiveness of businesses and/or enterprises business models:
Risk assessment of enterprises activity
Development of new business models of entrepreneurship
Assessment of the policy proposals and/or their impact on budget incomes and expenditures
Iryna is the author of more than 180 academic publications.
Iryna received Ph.D. in Ukraine from Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas. Her dissertation titled “Management employment of industrial capacity as a factor of increase of the functioning efficiency of oil and gas output enterprises” (2008) represented the results of investigation into oil and gas production efficiency in Ukraine.
Her doctoral dissertation “Forming organizational and economic mechanism of ensuring energy security of the national economy” (2015) presented results of investigation “Organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring national economy’s energy security”.
Iryna participated in the research projects affiliated with national and international academics:
- R&D of the Research Economic Institute of the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of Ukraine within the research topic "Scientific support of the forecast energy balance of Ukraine for 2016";
- Odessa National University by I. I. Mechnikov within the research topic "Research of the priority areas of regional policy in the economic sphere" (state registration number 0110U007602). Her personal research contribution was in two final report sections "Conceptual bases for increasing efficiency of region resource potential" and "Efficiency analysis of using fuel and energy resources potential in Ivano-Frankivsk region".
Research experience:
2003-2004 – Junior Research Fellow in The Research Institute of Oil and Gas Technologies in a specified budget program of research “The creation of hydrodynamic and technological bases of current and total extraction of oil, gas and hydrocarbon condensate from deposits of Ukraine” (state registration number No 0101U001664 SRW);
2004-2006 – Research Fellow in The Research Institute of Oil and Gas Technologies in a specified research budget program “Investigation of new technologies to improve the efficiency of hydrocarbons, including low-grade wells” (state registration number No 0101U001664 SRW);
2009-2010 – Senior Researcher in a specific program “Development of methodological recommendations for accounting and cost analysis in the oil and gas industry in order to form prices and tariffs” (state registration number No 0109U000645 SRW) in the Research Institute of Oil and Gas Energy and Ecology of Ivano-Frankivsk National University of Oil and Gas;
2010-2014 – the Principal Investigator of the scientific research work "Organizational and economic foundations for the use and development of the region’s resource potential" (state registration number No 0111U006672).
Professional Experience:
Had been working as the Civil Expert of the Expert Group on Coordinating of Budget Planning and Tariff policy of the Directorate of Strategic Planning and European Integration of Ministry of Infrastructure of Ukraine in (2019 –2021), Iryna implemented and resolved issues of medium-term budget planning; prepared accurate financial and economic justifications for draft governmental laws and resolutions; maintained full financial compliance of strategic development and investment planning for state-owned enterprises; developed working relationships and partnership, coordinating working groups, etc.