Helen Chen

Email: helen.chen@tudublin.ie
Tel: +353 1 2206388
Discipline: Marketing; International Business; International Marketing
Current role and Experience
Dr Helen Chen obtained her PhD from Warwick Business School (the University of Warwick, UK). Prior to joining TU Dublin in 2005, Helen had worked in City University of Hong Kong, University of Kent (UK) and Carleton University (Canada). She is a lecturer of marketing and international marketing in the School of Global Business in TU Dublin. Helen has been an enthusiastic university lecturer and has won teaching excellence awards previously and was nominated for Canada’s Capital Teaching Award in 2003-2004.
Teaching & Supervision
Helen has lectured on European Integration; International Business; Marketing; International Marketing and other modules in TU Dublin. Helen has been involved in the supervisory team for the undergraduate and postgraduate levels. Helen has been a PhD thesis internal examiner once and external examiner for two DBA theses for Newcastle University in Australia.
Helen is a volunteer member on TU Dublin EDI Committee chaired by Prof Yvonne Galligan.
Chen, H. (2012). Approaches to Quantitative Research – A Guide for Dissertation Students, Cork: Oak Tree Press
Chapters in Books:
Chen, H and Phillips, P. (2010). Emotional intelligence components and conflict resolution, Irish Business and Society – governing, participating and transforming in the 21 century, ed by Hogan, Donnelly and O’Rourke, Gill & Macmillan
Journal Publications:
Chen, H., Xu, X. and Phillips, P. (2018) Emotional intelligence and conflict management styles, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, 27(2)
Phillips, P. and Chen, H. (2018). Emotional intelligence and the role of motivation within the context of career guidance counselling for those experiencing unemployment, Irish Journal of Applied Social Studies, 18 (1)
Chen, H. and Murray, J. (2012), Is organizational commitment culturally bound?, Irish Business Journal, 7(1): 4-19
Conference Proceedings/Papers:
Wu, X., Chen, H. and Li, X (2018) When marketing factors meet social factors in consumer research, AMA Summer Conference Proceeding, Boston, USA
Chen, H. and Xu, X. (2015). Emotional intelligence and conflict management of Chinese employees, International Association of Conflict Management conference, Clear Water, USA
Chen, H. (2014). Emotional intelligence travels to China – An anatomical approach, Asia International Business Academy, Singapore