Colm McGuinness

Tel: 01- 220 7271
Current role & Experience
Currently lecturing business mathematics and statistics, supervising PhD students, and working on statistical consulting projects. I have been a lecturer on the Blanchardstown campus since it opened in 1999. I have a PhD in mathematics from DCU (1991), and am a chartered statistician (CStat) with the Royal Statistical Society.
Since 1999 I have been developing a range of maths and stats apps which create individualised questions for students from years 1 to 3. The current app for year 1 and year 2 students provides detailed answers for most questions to facilitate student learning and confidence building. Topics covered include:
- Basic manipulation of equations, rounding, sigma notation
- Grouped data: Summary and analysis
- Index numbers: Relatives and composites
- Financial mathematics: Formula manipulations for depreciation and compound interest, NPV, IRR, ARR.
- Differentiation, maximising profits and minimising costs.
- Time series analysis
- Basic probability
- Probability distributions
- T Tests and confidence intervals
The year 3 statistical apps are built in Microsoft Excel, and again provide detailed personalised questions with partial answers. Topics covered include:
- Null hypothesis testing, T tests, power, Type I and II error
- ANOVA, Linear regression and General Linear Model: Applying, assumption checking, sample size estimates
- Exploratory factor analysis
- Non-parametric statistics
- Boot strapping a T test.
These Excel apps are also useful tools for post grad students who are new to statistics.
Director of Statistical Support @PEEI. The National Research Centre for Psychology, Education & Emotional Intelligence – Working with the wonderful Dr Aiden Carthy:
'Improving physical and mental wellbeing to enable individuals and communities to thrive’
Working with Maria Kenneally I am involved in a School of Global Business mindfulness research project, which integrates mindfulness training for students at the start of lectures. Some of our resources can be found here: Our long term goal is to see mindfulness taught to all students and lecturers, as a foundational tool for learning (well), lecturing (well) and living (well).
In the news PRIMERA project (Promoting Research and Innovation in Mental hEalth seRvices for fAmilies) – funded by the HSE from 2017-2022, and winning entry for the Lionel Hersov memorial award from ACAMH, 2022 which recognises high quality work in evidence-based science, both in publication and practice, in the field of child and adolescent mental health.
Teaching & Supervision
I have co/supervised to successful completion six PhD students, with several more currently working with me and fellow supervisors.
Chapters in Books-
Gray, G., McGuinness, C. and Owende, P. (2016), “Non-cognitive factors of learning as early indicators of students at-risk of failing in tertiary education.”
Journal Publications-
O'Regan, M., Carthy, A., McGuinness, C. and Owende, P. (2023), ‘Employer collaboration in developing graduate employability: a pilot study in Ireland’, Education + Training, Vol. 65 No. 10, pp. 1-13.
Byrne, D., McGuinness, C. & Carthy, A. (2022) ‘Developing a scale to assess post-primary educators’ attitudes with regard to the promotion of student wellbeing’, Irish Educational Studies, 41:4, 663-685, DOI: 10.1080/03323315.2021.1899025
Byrne, D., McGuinness, C. Carthy, A. (2022) ‘Do educators value the promotion of students’ wellbeing? Quantifying educators’ attitudes toward wellbeing promotion.’
Furlong, M., McGilloway, S., Mulligan, C., McGuinness, C., Whelan, N. (2021) ‘Family Talk versus usual services in improving child and family psychosocial functioning in families with parental mental illness (PRIMERA—Promoting Research and Innovation in Mental hEalth seRvices for fAmilies and children): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.’
Trials 22, 243 (2021). doi:10.1186/s13063-021-05199-4
Whelan, N., McGilloway, S., Murphy, M. P., McGuinness, C. (2018) ‘EEPIC - Enhancing Employability through Positive Interventions for improving Career potential: the impact of a high support career guidance intervention on the wellbeing, hopefulness, self-efficacy and employability of the long-term unemployed - a study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.’
Trials 19, 141 (2018). doi:10.1186/s13063-018-2485-y
Gray, G., McGuinness, C., Owende, P. and Hofmann, M. (2016) ‘Learning Factor Models of Students at Risk of Failing in the Early Stage of Tertiary Education.’
Journal of Learning Analytics, Vol 3(2).