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Recent staff publications


Dartnall, E., Homan, S., Lalor, K., Silima, M. & Undie, C. (2025). Is ethical review a barrier to the publication of research on violence against women and children for low- and middle-income country researchers? Child Protection and Practice

Ó Rálaigh, C. (in-press). Some contradictions of the welfare state: Revisited. Critical Social Policy.


Darcy, C., (2024). From focus groups in community settings, to in-depth interviews in pubs: A case study on researching Irish men, masculinities, and illicit drug use. In Sage Research Methods: Diversifying and Decolonizing Research. SAGE Publications.

Dolan, P., Vertigans, S., & Connolly, J. (2024). Theorising political legitimisation: From stasis to processes. European Journal of Social Theory, 27(1), 22-40.

Gavin, P. (2024). Newcomer injunctions: Equitable innovation or constitutional challenge? Irish Jurist, 72.

Gavin, P. (2024). The lesser of two duties? Contrasting the Section 224A duties to consider the Interests of Creditors. Dublin University Law Journal, 44(1), 55-82.

Gavin, P. (2024). Corporate Viability and the Duty to Consider the Interests of Creditors in the United Kingdom and the European Union. European Business Law Review 35(5), 627-649.

Hanlon, N. (2024). Caring with Relational Pedagogy in Social Care Education, Irish Journal of Academic Practice (in-press).

Hanlon, N. (2024). Relational pedagogy in social care education: a model for relational justice. Social Work Education, 1-17.

Konstantinou, P., Kyprianidou, M., Christodoulou, A., McHugh, L., Constantinou, M., Epiphaniou, E., Vahey, N., Nicolau, C., Middleton, N., Karekla, M. & Kassianos, A. P. (2024). Behavioral, cognitive and emotional determinants of getting vaccinated for COVID-19 and the mediating role of institutional trust among young adults in Cyprus. BMC Public Health24(1), 2336.

Lalor, K., O’Neill, B. & Dinh, T. (2024). Progressing children’s right to be heard in public decision-making: Perspectives on using social and digital media to facilitate children’s participation. First Monday, 29(12).

Moore, A. & Lalor, K. (2024). Social care managers’ perspectives on statutory registration of social care workers in Ireland. Administration, 72(2), 53-71.

Murphy, K. (2024). Neurodiverse Students Learning in Large Lecture Theatres: Challenges and Opportunities. Proceedings of the Sixth PHELC Symposium, Ireland, 32-40.

Ó Rálaigh, C. (2024). The North of Ireland During the Interregnum: a Gramcian Analysis of Power and Crisis. Journal of Political Power, 1–19.

Ó Rálaigh, C. (2024). The Forthcoming General Election in the Republic of Ireland: Winds of (Left-Wing) Change or Plus Ça Change? The Political Quarterly.


Behan, C. (2023). The Summer of Discontent: The British Prisoners’ Strike of 1972. In V. Canning, G. Martin & S. Tombs (Eds.), International Handbook of Activist Criminology (pp. 123-136). Emerald Publishing.  

Behan, C., & Stark, A. (2023). Prisons and Imprisonment: An Introduction. Palgrave Macmillan.

Broughton Coveney, F. & McGowan, D. (2023). Adoption. In M. Harding & D. McGowan (Eds.), Irish Family Law in Context (pp. 285-308.). Clarus Press.

Brown, T. & Lalor, K. (2023). Understanding social care. In K. Lalor, P. Share & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 3-16). Institute of Public Administration.

Carolan, G. & Schulte, F. (2023). 'What’s law got to do with it? How the degree of legalization affects the durability of post-conflict autonomy agreements. Ethnopolitics.

Carthy, A., Chalmers, W., Guiry, E. and Owende, P. (2023). An analysis of the impact and efficacy of online emotional intelligence coaching as a support mechanism for university students. In L. Kohnke, B. Ulla and H. Xie, H. (Eds.), Digital learning innovations in education in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Frontiers Media. 

Chalmers, W., Carthy, A., Kenneally, M., Bruce, N., McGuinness, C. and Owende P. (2023). An analysis of the impact and efficacy of an online mindfulness-based intervention as a support for first-year university students. The All Ireland Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 15 (2).

Carruthers, S. (2023). Autobiographical Traces in Chantal Akerman’s Jeanne Dielman and Meetings with Anna. CINEJ Cinema Journal, 11(2), 127–148.

Connolly, J., Dolan, P. and Vertigans, S. (2023). Rational and emotional tension balances in the organization of political hunger strikes. Sociological Research Online 28(1), 3–20.

Darcy, C. (2023). From larceny and concealed births, to indecent assault and attempted suicide: An analysis of rural crimes committed in three small Irish villages between 1941-1943. International Journal of Rural Criminology, 8 (1), 82-106.  

Darcy, C. and Tuite, E. (2023). Drug misuse in social care practice. In K. Lalor, P. Share & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 233-243). Institute of Public Administration.

Ferns, S., McGinn, I., Vahey, N., Williams, H., & Duffy, N. (2023). Developing universal design for learning within higher and further education: The benefits of educator peer triads. Education Applications & Developments VIII Advances in Education and Educational Trends Series Edited by Mafalda Carmo, 129.

Hanlon, N. & Gahan, F. (2023) Masculinities and caring men in social care work. In K. Lalor, P. Share, & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 155-166). Institute of Public Administration.

Harding, M. & McGowan, D. (2023). Family law in context. Clarus Press.

Jameson, A. and Ratcliffe, S. (2023). Knowing and minding the self: The proficiency which enhances all others. In K. Lalor, P. Share & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 113-128). Institute of Public Administration.

Lalor, K., Share, P. & Brown, T. (Eds.) (2023). Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.). Institute of Public Administration.

Larkin, G. (2023). Positive mental health. In K. Lalor, P. Share & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 205-218). Institute of Public Administration.

McGarr, J. & Fingleton, M. (2023). Evaluating the integrative framework for practice teaching with social care educators and students. Journal of Practice Teaching and Learning, 20(1), 67-89.

McGarr, J. (2023). Adopting a trauma-informed approach, skills and strategies for social care intervention. In K. Lalor, P. Share & T. Brown (Eds.), Social care work: An introduction for students in Ireland (4th ed.) (pp. 99-112). Institute of Public Administration.

Murphy, K. (2023). Experiencing Dyslexia through the Prism of Difference. [Electronic version] REACH: Journal of Inclusive Education in Ireland, 36, 112-124.

Murphy, K. (2023). The [DIS] Advantage of Studying Higher Education (HE) with Dyslexia. [Electronic version] Journal of Franco-Irish Studies, 7, 64-80.

Ó Rálaigh, C. (2023). A contribution to the critique of Irish sociology. Irish Journal of Sociology, 0(0).

Ó Rálaigh, C. (2023). From Constructive Ambiguities to Structural Contradictions: The Twilight of the Good Friday Agreement? Peace Review, 35 (3), 404-421.

Quinn, J. & Gavin, P. (2023). The creditor duty post Sequana: Lessons for legislative reform. Journal of Corporate Law Studies 23(1), 271-296.

Seymour, M. (2023). Enhancing the online student experience through the application of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) to research methods learning and teaching. Education and Information Technologies.

Seymour, M. (2023). Supporting children’s compliance on community supervision. Academic Insights 2023/24. HM Inspectorate of Probation.

Wilkins, E., Courtney, E., Lawlor, G. and Cluskey, M. (2023) Embedding Intercultural Competencies in Community Development Education: Reflections on a Virtual Exchange. In Muia, D. & Philips, R. (Eds.),  Connectedness, Resilience and Empowerment: Perspectives on Community (pp.141-154). Springer