Register now for our Undergraduate and Postgraduate Open Days, starting on 29 March.

Ongoing PhD and MPhil Projects

Adeyemi Adekanle, PhD Candidate The choice of a police career by black ethnic minority in Ireland: The concepts of trust and legitimacy in decision-making
Valerie Bonin, PhD Candidate Relations between the entrepreneurial diaspora and the homeland : the case of the French entrepreneurs in Singapore.
Andrew Bray, PhD Candidate Re-Modeling the Oberstown Children Detention Campus:  How does the change in the focus of offender management impact on the existing historical child-care habitus?
Méabh Browne, PhD Candidate No Easy Divorce: Legal Pathways to Dissolution in Ireland
Niamh Caldwell, MPhil Candidate 'Representations of residential child care in the Irish Times from 1870 to present'
Chloe Carragher, MPhil Candidate 'The post-Brexit security field on the island of Ireland: The role of civil society in everyday security'
Melody Chineriyanga, MPhil Candidate 'Black Masculinities and Affective Equality: the relational effects of racism on professional black men’s lives in Ireland'
Killian Cullan, PhD Candidate 'Investigating and Exploring the Impact of Police Pluralisation on Police Culture and Police Dispositions'
Fred Egwu, PhD Candidate 'EU Immigration Policy and Refugee Law: The Mediterranean Cross Over Perception and the (EU) Global Philosophy of Structural Quick Fix Policies'
Darragh Farrell, PhD Candidate "Exploring Governance Shifts and the Professionalisation Care Habitus"
Maura Finnie, PhD Candidate Policing, accountability, and legitimacy: controversy, change and culture in An Garda Síochána
Francis Gahan, PhD Candidate Masculinities and Affective Equality Practices in Professional Social Care in Ireland
Karen Griffin, PhD Candidate Populism's growing influence within the EU: an examination of the conservative turn in EU asylum policy
Ola Kazeen Falodun "Security and Sustainable Governance in African Context: The Case of the Western Nigeria Security Network."
Caoimhe Kiernan, PhD candidate Investigates the impact that the introduction of female judges has had on the development of Irish jurisprudence.
‌Jennifer McGarr, PhD candidate Women and displacement; the experiences of refugee and asylum seeking women in Ireland.
Anna Maria Mullally, PhD candidate Into the Blue: Women, Bathing and Gender Power Balances in 20th Century Ireland.
Jonathan O'Brien, PhD Candidate “Interventions in Youth Offending: who supports young people through the criminal justice system? A case study of the Garda Síochána Strategic Approach to Offender Recidivism – Youth Crime Case Management programme”
Jason Quinn, PhD candidate Being and Becoming Secure: Investigating and Exploring the Security Habitus
Fiona Walshe, PhD candidate Professionalisation of the social care sector
Laurence Paveau, PhD Candidate The development of beauty standards through fashion: A figurational perspective
Angelo Simoes, PhD candidate The impact of the provision of emotional intelligence coaching on the academic attainment and emotional development of Irish second level students
Arpad Volgyesi, PhD candidate Educational integration for refugee children: Building a more inclusive Ireland
Michaela Omojola, PhD candidate Outdoor education in Irish primary schools
Máirtín Thornton, MA by Research candidate Work readiness in social care in Ireland: Supporting the transition from novice to expert
Patrick Flynn, PhD candidate Rethinking the Crit: How can collaborative feedback processes be used to build authenticity within the learning and assessment experiences of architectural students?
Victoria O Reilly, PhD candidate Inclusion at a local level – the potential impact of industry on the trajectory of employment for Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) students