Adeyemi Adekanle, PhD Candidate |
The choice of a police career by black ethnic minority in Ireland: The concepts of trust and legitimacy in decision-making |
Valerie Bonin, PhD Candidate |
Relations between the entrepreneurial diaspora and the homeland : the case of the French entrepreneurs in Singapore. |
Andrew Bray, PhD Candidate |
Re-Modeling the Oberstown Children Detention Campus: How does the change in the focus of offender management impact on the existing historical child-care habitus? |
Méabh Browne, PhD Candidate |
No Easy Divorce: Legal Pathways to Dissolution in Ireland |
Niamh Caldwell, MPhil Candidate |
'Representations of residential child care in the Irish Times from 1870 to present' |
Chloe Carragher, MPhil Candidate |
'The post-Brexit security field on the island of Ireland: The role of civil society in everyday security' |
Melody Chineriyanga, MPhil Candidate |
'Black Masculinities and Affective Equality: the relational effects of racism on professional black men’s lives in Ireland' |
Killian Cullan, PhD Candidate |
'Investigating and Exploring the Impact of Police Pluralisation on Police Culture and Police Dispositions' |
Fred Egwu, PhD Candidate |
'EU Immigration Policy and Refugee Law: The Mediterranean Cross Over Perception and the (EU) Global Philosophy of Structural Quick Fix Policies' |
Darragh Farrell, PhD Candidate |
"Exploring Governance Shifts and the Professionalisation Care Habitus" |
Maura Finnie, PhD Candidate |
Policing, accountability, and legitimacy: controversy, change and culture in An Garda Síochána |
Francis Gahan, PhD Candidate |
Masculinities and Affective Equality Practices in Professional Social Care in Ireland |
Karen Griffin, PhD Candidate |
Populism's growing influence within the EU: an examination of the conservative turn in EU asylum policy |
Ola Kazeen Falodun |
"Security and Sustainable Governance in African Context: The Case of the Western Nigeria Security Network." |
Caoimhe Kiernan, PhD candidate |
Investigates the impact that the introduction of female judges has had on the development of Irish jurisprudence. |
Jennifer McGarr, PhD candidate |
Women and displacement; the experiences of refugee and asylum seeking women in Ireland. |
Anna Maria Mullally, PhD candidate |
Into the Blue: Women, Bathing and Gender Power Balances in 20th Century Ireland. |
Jonathan O'Brien, PhD Candidate |
“Interventions in Youth Offending: who supports young people through the criminal justice system? A case study of the Garda Síochána Strategic Approach to Offender Recidivism – Youth Crime Case Management programme” |
Jason Quinn, PhD candidate |
Being and Becoming Secure: Investigating and Exploring the Security Habitus |
Fiona Walshe, PhD candidate |
Professionalisation of the social care sector |
Laurence Paveau, PhD Candidate |
The development of beauty standards through fashion: A figurational perspective |
Angelo Simoes, PhD candidate |
The impact of the provision of emotional intelligence coaching on the academic attainment and emotional development of Irish second level students |
Arpad Volgyesi, PhD candidate |
Educational integration for refugee children: Building a more inclusive Ireland |
Michaela Omojola, PhD candidate |
Outdoor education in Irish primary schools |
Máirtín Thornton, MA by Research candidate |
Work readiness in social care in Ireland: Supporting the transition from novice to expert |
Patrick Flynn, PhD candidate |
Rethinking the Crit: How can collaborative feedback processes be used to build authenticity within the learning and assessment experiences of architectural students? |
Victoria O Reilly, PhD candidate |
Inclusion at a local level – the potential impact of industry on the trajectory of employment for Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) students |