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Completed PhDs, MPhils & MAs by research

An analysis of the effectiveness and impact of the provision of mindfulness, emotional intelligence and work readiness modules to Irish third level students’ Wyndham Chalmers, MPhil (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy)
'Towards the development of a balanced legislative framework for consumer data protection in electronic commerce: The case of the Sultanate of Oman' Talib Al Kharousi, PhD (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Stephen Carruthers & Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'A qualitative functional analysis of academic procrastination among Irish undergraduate students’ Gráinne Carthy, MA by Research (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Nigel Vahey & Dr. Lavinia McLean)
'An examination of migrant women's experiences of higher education studying Social Care’ Margaret Fingleton, PhD (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Mairéad Seymour)
'An analysis of professional development and learning to support enhanced pedagogy in early childhood education’ Rhona McGinn, PhD (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Ann Marie Halpenny)
'Crime, Risk and Resilience in the Countryside: Governing Rural Security’ Artur Pytlarz, PhD (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Matt Bowden)
'Is it time for a preventative approach? An empirical evaluation of the common law response to the issue of work-related stress' Silvanus Tanifon, PhD (awarded 2023, supervised by Dr. Brian Barry)
An examination of Irish post-primary educators’ attitudes regarding the promotion of student’s social and emotional wellbeing’ David Byrne, PhD (awarded 2022, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy, Dr Colm McGuinness and Professor Sinead McGilloway)
‘An investigation of the construction of quality within early years' settings in Ireland through the Early Years Education-Focused Inspection (EYEI) process', Arlenne Heeney, MA by Research (awarded 2022, supervised by Joanne McHale & Deirdre McGrath)
'Reducing crime and repairing harm: The role of the Family Conference in responding to youth crime' Norma Allen, PhD (awarded 2022, supervised by Dr. Mairead Seymour)
'Intergenerational learning: An exploratory study of the concept, role and potential of intergenerational learning (IGL) as a pedagogical strategy in Irish early childhood education (ECE) services' Anne Fitzpatrick, PhD (awarded 2021, supervised by Dr. Ann Marie Halpenny)
'Traveller children, diversity, equality and inclusion in early childhood education and care. Challenging the discourse of prejudice and discrimination' Colette Murray, PhD (awarded 2021, supervised by Drs. Kylie Smith, Brian O' Neill & Ann Marie Halpenny).
'The impact of coping strategies and social support on the experience of stress in high-performance athletes', Rebecca Penco, MA by Research (awarded 2020, supervised by Dr. Lavinia McLean)
‘Third level stakes: An examination of the gambling behaviour of undergraduate students at an Irish University’, Stephen Cashman, MA by Research (awarded 2020, supervised by Dr. Emmett Tuite) 
'The impact of coping strategies and social support on the experience of stress in high-performance athletes', Rebecca Penco, MA by Research (awarded 2020, supervised by Dr. Lavinia McLean)
'Professional childminding in Ireland: Ecocultural perspectives' Miriam O'Regan, PhD (awarded 2020, supervised by Dr. Ann Marie Halpenny)
'Positioning social care: How policy and media discourses position care providers and recipients' Debbie Vaughan, MPhil (awarded 2020, supervised by Dr. Fiona McSweeney)
Social-emotional intelligence (EI), graduates and the workplace: A study of a tailored approach to EI competency development for final year engineering students’ Ailish Jameson, PhD (awarded 2019, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy, Dr Colm McGuinness and Dr Fiona McSweeney)
'Employee dismissal: the application of statutory procedures and performance management best practice(s) by employers and their impact on third party determinations' Gerard McMahon, MPhil (awarded 2018, supervised by Niall Neligan)
'Investigating the viability of a fitness community as a societal third place’ Juan Fernandez, MA by research (awarded 2017 supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy)
‘Understanding youth civic engagement in the 21st century from the perspectives of young people in higher education’ Aideen McCormack, MA by research (awarded 2017, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy)
'An exploratory study of child sexual abuse in Tanzania' Denis McCrann, PhD (awarded 2017, supervised by Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'A Critical Analysis of Grand Corruption with Reference to International Human Rights and International Criminal Law: The case of Nigeria' Florence Anaedozie, PhD (awarded 2017, supervised by Dr. Stephen Carruthers and Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'Death and the prison officer: A study of Irish prison officers’ experiences of prisoner fatalities' Colette Barry, PhD (awarded 2017, supervised by Dr. Mary Rogan and Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'Lived experiences of reintegration: A study of how former prisoners experienced reintegration in a local context' Sylvia Brand, PhD (awarded 2017, supervised by Dr. Mairéad Seymour and Dr. Matt Bowden)
'An ecological study of the impact of early childhood educational experiences at age four and age seven on outcomes at age sixteen' Siobhan Keegan, PhD (awarded 2017, supervised by Professor Nóirín Hayes and Dr. Kevin Lalor)
‘A qualitative analysis of the Garda Youth Diversion Projects from the perspective of the young people involved’ Pauline Keegan, MA by research (awarded 2016, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy) 
'Examining the comparative use, experience and outcomes of community service orders as alternatives to short prison sentences in Ireland' Kate O'Hara, PhD (awarded 2016, supervised by Dr. Mary Rogan and Dr. Kevin)
'A bio-ecological perspective on educational transition: Children, parents and teachers in the meso-system' Leah O'Toole, PhD (awarded 2016, supervised by Dr. Máire Mhic Mhathúna and Professor Nóirin Hayes)
'Normative Isomorphism: is Irish academic work-life the same in different institutional types in the universal phase of higher education?' Amanda Moynihan, PhD (awarded 2016, supervised by Professor Ellen Hazelkorn)
'Young people's experiences of crime: An investigation into the victimisation and offending of inner-city Dublin youth' Kalis Pope, PhD (awarded 2014, supervised by Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'The impact of the Arts on Traveller education: An exploratory study' Bernadette Fagan, MPhil (awarded 2014, supervised by Professor Nóirin Hayes)
'Standing in the footprints of the contemporary urban child: Constructing a sense of place along the everyday urban routes children walk through public space' Jackie Bourke, PhD (awarded 2013, supervised by Professor Noirin Hayes)
'Gender and SES effects on multidimensional self-concept development during adolescence'  Patricia Meredith Orr, PhD (awarded 2013, supervised by Dr. Dorit Deering)
'The transition to adulthood and independence: A study of young people leaving care' Mary Kilkenny, MPhil (awarded 2013, supervised by Dr. Mairéad Seymour)
‘Cultural Inclusion: A study of the issues and challenges in a primary school located in a disadvantaged area of Dublin, from the perspectives of staff, students and parents’ Ailish Jameson, MA by research (awarded 2012, supervised by Dr. Aiden Carthy)
'Transferring knowledge and life experience between generations: The potential of community based intergenerational projects'
Cathrina Murphy, MPhil (awarded 2012, supervised by Dr. Carmel Gallagher)
'Reporting the rhetoric, implementation of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child: a critical discourse analysis'
Rachel Kiersey, PhD (awarded 2012, supervised by Prof. Nóirin Hayes)
'Infant places, spaces and objects: Exploring the physical in learning environments for infants under two'
Helen Lynch, PhD (awarded 2012, supervised by Prof. Nóirin Hayes)
'Designed to benefit whom? An evaluation of Irish early childhood education and care policy using Policy Design Theory'
Bernie O'Donoghue-Hynes, PhD (awarded 2012, supervised by Prof. Nóirin Hayes)
'Insider Outsider Perspectives on a Rights Based Approach to Policy Making in Early Childhood Care and Education'
Siobhan Bradley, PhD (awarded 2012, supervised by Dr. Annmarie Halpenny)
'An exploration of RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning) to companies and organisations in Ireland: Valorisation, return on investment, and emerging trends'  Katherine Collins, PhD (awarded 2012, supervised by Dr. Anne Murphy)
'Teachers and Language Learning in Primary Schools: The Acquisition of Additional Languages in the Early Years'
Anna Marie Dillon, PhD (awarded 2011, supervised by Dr. Maire MhicMhathuna)
'What critical success factors are necessary and sufficient for provision of developmental care for each young person in Irish residential child and youth care? ' Gay Graham, PhD (awarded 2011, supervised by Dr. Kevin Lalor and Prof. Leon Fulcher)
'Staff understandings and practices of parent involvement in private early years services: An exploratory study'
Maria McDermott, MPhil (awarded 2010, supervised by Anne Fitzpatrick)
'A retrospective study of young women involved in prostitution in Dublin' Siobhan Quinlan, MPhil (awarded 2010, supervised by Dr. Kevin Lalor)
'Surviving on remand: a study of how young remand prisoners cope in prison custody'  Sinead Freeman, PhD (awarded 2009, supervised by Dr. Mairéad Seymour)
'Partners in Play:  How children organise their participation in sociodramatic play'  Carmel Brennan, PhD (awarded 2008, supervised by Prof. Nóirin Hayes and Dr. Dorit W. Deering)
'Building bridges; an investigation into the transition from pre-school to school for children in Ireland'
Mary O'Kane, PhD (awarded 2008, supervised by Prof. Nóirin Hayes and Dr. Dorit W. Deering)
'City Centre: An ethnographic study of street crime, violence, community and policing in inner-City Dublin' Jonathan Ilan, PhD (awarded 2008, supervised by Dr. Karen Lysaght)
'Just bring yourself - Exploring the training of self in social care education' Denise Lyons, MPhil (awarded 2007, supervised by Dr. Nóirín Hayes)
'Staff Responsibilities and Relationships in Schools for Children with Severe, Profound and Multiple Disabilities'
Leah Smith, MPhil (awarded 2005, supervised by Dr. Nóirín Hayes)
'An Exploration of Policies and Practices in Relation to Children Remanded in Custody' Sarah Anderson, MPhil (awarded 2004, supervised by Gay Graham)
'A Study of the Impact of the Child Care (pre-school) Regulations (1996) on the Quality of Early Childhood Services in Ireland: the IEA pre-Primary Project Revisited'      Mary O'Kane, MPhil (awarded 2004, supervised by Margaret Kernan)
'Parents and early childhood services in a changing context: an exploratory study' Shirley Martin, MPhil (awarded November 2003, supervised by Anne Fitzpatrick)
'A Qualitative Study in a Third Level College in Dublin, Exploring the Training of Early Year Education Professionals Dealing with Diversity' Miranda Cooke, MPhil (awarded June 20th 2001, supervised by Anne Fitzpatrick)
'Study of the Ecology of Classrooms and Children's Cognitive Development at Four Years in Preschools and Primary Schools in Ireland' Nodlaig Moore, MPhil (awarded February 16th 2000, supervised by Nóirín Hayes)
'Young offenders' perception of education' Áine Fitzpatrick, MPhil (awarded October 1st 1999, supervised by Brian McCarthy)