Live Music Research
Live Music Research Dublin brings together academics, practitioners and policy makers with a shared interest in exploring live music in all its forms, the role of music venues, and their interconnected media and cultural dynamics, highlighting their critical importance to society.
Our mission is to advance the understanding, appreciation, and impact of live music through research and collaboration. We aim to explore the cultural, social, and economic dimensions of live music, foster connections between artists, audiences, and communities, and promote sustainable practices within the live music industry.
We are committed to championing the significance of live music and music venues as essential pillars of a city's cultural and social identity.
Current Projects:
The project team is part of the Live Music Mapping Project (LMMP)
As part of this project we are currently developing a live music map of Dublin. We hope to launch the first version of the map in February 2025.
Current members:
Dr. Caroline Ann O’Sullivan – Head, School of Media
Andrea Cleary – PhD candidate and part-time lecturer, School of Media
Seán Finnan - PhD candidate and part-time lecturer, School of Media Recent publications:
Caroline Ann O’Sullivan
The Steady Decline of Club Culture in Dublin: Neoliberal Policy, Touristification and the Pandemic