Application Process
+ Nomination Procedure Phase 1
Partner Institution Erasmus academic coordinators are kindly asked to submit applicants' portfolios to the TU Dublin School of Art and Design Erasmus Academic coordinator via email at least two weeks before officially nominating students via the TU Dublin application system.
A portfolio should be:
- in 1 (one) PDF file (max 5MB)
- titled: name-last name-the program applicant wishes to study
- should include:
Motivation/ Personal statement: why the student is willing to study at TU Dublin School of Art & Design;
Portfolio (max 15 -20 images): student’s work completed in your study program.
Please note the following deadlines for sending in the applications:
Full Year and First Semester: 12th April
Second Semester: 13th October
+ Nomination Procedure Phase 2
Partner Institutions will receive information regarding the nomination link directly from the TU Dublin International Engagement and Global Mobility office.
+ Student application procedure Phase 3
Visiting students can apply only after being nominated by their International Officer. Information regarding the application process will be emailed to students when the nomination confirmation has been received from the home university.
Please note the following student application deadlines:
Full Year and First Semester: 14th May
Second Semester: 15th November
Once a student has submitted a complete application, they will receive an acceptance letter and email from the TU Dublin International Engagement and Global Mobility office.
Learning Agreement
Erasmus students must complete a Learning Agreement at their home university. They should consult their academic coordinator for guidance on academic requirements during their Erasmus exchange.