Vision and Progress

TU Dublin's ambitious vision is to create a better world together. Building on our histories and heritage, our mission at TU Dublin is the pursuit of: Excellence in student centred learning; Practice-led impact-focused research and deep discipline engagement; and Co-creation of teaching, learning and research. 

At TU Dublin, we are intensifying best practices to deliver on the environmental and sustainability objectives outlined in TU Dublin’s Strategic Intent 2030. This strategy was developed through the lens of the UN Sustainability Goals (SDGs), and through its framework, shapes TU Dublin’s plan to tackle our task through three interrelated themes: People, Planet, and Partnership. Underpinned by the key Sustainable Development Goal of ‘Quality Education’, these three pillars inform TU Dublin’s approach to educational, research and engagement practices, ensuring that TU Dublin delivers real change, innovation, and impact for society.

At TU Dublin, we have begun an exciting journey towards 2030 and we invite you to join us so that we can create a better world together. Learn more about our vision and progress from our Reports, Policies, and Awards & Accreditation sections.