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Transport & Mobility

The latest Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) emissions data show that the transport sector accounted for 21.4% of Ireland's greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) in 2023. The Government's 2023 Climate Action Plan acknowledges that meeting Ireland's 2030 transport abatement targets will require transformational change. This will require changes to how we travel, how often, and how far.

Under the Public Sector Mandate for Climate Action TU Dublin has a responsibility to develop a Sustainable Mobility Plan to reduce scope 3 carbon emissions, which constitute a substantial portion of TU Dublin’s carbon footprint. Any such plan requires that we take a University-wide approach to our transport and mobility supporting actions.

As part of actions outlined in TU Dublin's Climate Action Roadmap, the University is endeavouring on an ambitious plan to support more students and staff to arrive to campus by sustainable and active travel.

Reducing your carbon footprint with sustainable travel

The most recent TU Dublin Transport for Ireland (TFI) National Transport Authority (NTA) Staff and Student Smarter Travel Survey, showed that 81% of students and staff travel to campus sustainably, and 83% of survey respondents agreed that they would like to use sustainable transport to reduce their impact on the environment.

Entering third-level education can mark the start of an individual's independent travel decision making. Campuses and surrounding areas that make sustainable transport options convenient will facilitate the formation of lifelong sustainable travel habits.

By travelling to campus sustainably or by active travel, students, staff, and the surrounding communities have the opportunity to enjoy the benefits of better air quality, improved health and well-being, and a safer environment around the campus. TU Dublin is well connected by public transport links including Dublin Bus, LUAS, DART, and Iarnród Éireann train services with linkages to walk and cycle to campus. TU Dublin has almost 1,500 bike parking spaces and has shower and changing facilities within all campus locations, and staff can apply for the TU Dublin Cycle to Work Scheme . For more information on campus-specific transport and mobility services at TU Dublin, visit our Campus & Estates Travel page.

As part of the Smarter Travel programme, TU Dublin will take part in Smarter Travel campaigns and initiatives to support our people to travel to and within our campuses sustainably. Find out more about upcoming events on our Smarter Travel page.