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When aligning module content and overall pedagogy to sustainability, it is recommended that you begin by reflecting on, or mapping, your module or programme. The following supports can be used.


Examine what your module or programme covers and does not currently cover. You can use this open-access UCC Interactive Mapping Tool to map out your module or programme. It is useful to complete this step first without looking at the module descriptor and then do it again while reading through the module descriptor.

Use these reflection prompts to identify where sustainability could be included.

  • Do you inadvertently cover concepts expressed by the SDGs or other sustainability concepts?   
    • If so, how could you signpost those topics to increase student understanding of the SDGs and sustainability literacy? 
  • Could you elaborate on the interconnected nature of the SDGs, or sustainability issues?
  • Could this be used as a gateway to inter- or transdisciplinary discussion?  
  • Could you include a guest lecturer in your module? 
  • Do you cover sustainability, or the SDGs specifically, from more than one of the Pillars: social/economic/environmental?   
    • If so, do you make students aware of this linkage? (if not, then could you?)  
  • Do you discuss in terms of transdisciplinarity? (if not, then could you?)     
  • How might you further enrich your module with discussions, group projects, assessments, etc,?
  • Can you incorporate concepts of sustainability and the SDGs into your Learning Outcomes?   
    • If so, are your modules activities, assessments and learning outcomes in alignment?