Walk21 Ireland


The 22nd International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities was hosted by TU Dublin and was held between 19 and 23 September 2022. Walk21 Ireland explored how supporting and encouraging walking and walkable communities can help deliver the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.

Big steps are being taken to help people walking in Ireland. The Government has allocated €1m a day to support all the people walking already and entice more short distance trips to be walked by motorists too. New infrastructure is being built as well as improvements to existing streets and public spaces. Every-day walked trips and walking access to public transport in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Limerick and Waterford as well as local journeys in rural areas are all being targeted.

By 2030, the Government expects that these steps will have helped them deliver on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to: halve greenhouse gas emissions (SDG 3.9) and road fatalities (SDG 3.6); significantly reduce inequalities (SDG 10) and non-communicable diseases (SDG 3.2); and increase sustainable transport for all (SDG 11.2).

Ireland’s policy blueprint is relevant to any country that wants a cleaner, safer, greener future and demonstrates how taking steps to help people walking now can deliver on global goals.

Read the TU Dublin Walk 21 Ireland 2022 Conference Report here.


TU Dublin is supporting the Government of Ireland by conducting research, collecting local data and providing expert training for staff to improve the effectiveness and impact of walking policy. Civil engineers, transport planners, health and physical activity experts, architects and urban designers are in collaboration with academics.

Contributions are invited that share relevant walking research, data collection and training systems that are increasing knowledge, skills and building capacity for delivering actions for people walking.

Streetscape improvements and networks of walking trails in both rural and urban areas are being developed by Sport Ireland and the Irish transport agencies to connect more people with quality infrastructure and support healthy lifestyles.

Contributions are invited that demonstrate how places have been transformed to support and encourage more walking and the impact that has had on the quality of life all year round.

Encouraging more people to walk more often is a common goal. Understanding the different walking needs of women, children, the elderly, people on low incomes and those with disabilities in particular is helping the Government of Ireland to ensure their policy and investment decisions are inclusive and responsive.

Contributions are invited that share how citizens have been engaged, different needs identified from different groups, and investments in walkability tailored in response.

One of the first national campaigns – ‘Get Ireland Walking’ has, for several years, promoted and celebrated the positive outcomes of people walking. Increasingly walking is being valued and measured as integral to addressing the climate emergency and delivering the Sustainable Development Goal commitments.

Contributions are invited that share how walking is being valued, invested in, and monitored, especially in relation to SDG’s. This could include examples of walking in road danger reduction plans, Nationally Determined Contributions, or more accessible public transport etc.

Playback Conference sessions

Taking place over five days the Walk21 Ireland Conference welcomed 60 expert keynote speakers from around the globe and was attended by in person by 406 delegates. Plenaries, sessions and panels were live streamed and viewed by 791 people online. Almost 40 hours of the conference's sessions are available for viewing across 26 recordings.

Details of each Walk21 session can be viewed from page 52 of the TU Dublin Walk 21 Ireland 2022 Conference Report.

Session playback recordings are listed below.

Walk21 Ireland Conference promotion: 'Walk with us in September 2022'  

Walk21 Conference Ireland 2022 - promotional video

Walk21 Ireland Conference launch and Youth Forum

Walk21 Ireland Plenary 1: Global perspectives, National commitment, Local Action 

Walk21 Ireland Plenary 2: Walking as the Foundation for Healthy Bodies, Minds and Streets

Walk21 Ireland: Plenary 3 - Ensuring Equity and Access for Everyone

Walk21 Ireland: Plenary 4 - Building for Walking: Hard Yards or Easy Street?

Walk21 Ireland World Café: How can we Make Walking Safer and More Secure to Help Deliver SDG Commitments by 2030?

Walk21 Ireland Plenary 5: Closing Plenary: Walking Purposefully Through the Decade for Change