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A pilot of the next iteration of the Students Learning with Communities Programme will run in the 2024/2025 academic year

TU Dublin's Students Learning with Communities (SLWC) programme has a new home within Societal Engagement and over the past few months the team has been exploring how the next iteration of this high impact programme can take shape. A profile of SLWC is included in the University Education Model (UEM) Collection 2024: A University Way of Being. This describes the potential of SLWC to evolve to become a model that is implemented University-wide, that further embeds sustainability into modules and programmes, and that aligns with TU Dublin's new Graduate Attributes and UEM.

To explore how this can happen a 'SLWC+' pilot is planned to run in the next academic year, to be implemented as a collaboration between Sustainability (Societal Engagement and Sustainability Education) and Partnerships (Strategic Partnerships).

students sitting in a row at an event, smiling and chatting

Who is this programme for?

This programme is available for teaching staff within faculties and schools across all TU Dublin campuses.

How to apply

A call for Expressions of Interest to take part in SLWC+ will be launched very soon. The deadline for submissions is 12:00pm on Monday 10 June, 2024. Read the SLWC+ Pilot Supporting document here.

Apply now

Learn more about the pilot

Register to take part in a Q&A on the Students Learning with Communities+ (SLWC+) pilot. Helena Fitzgerald, Societal Engagement, and Brian Gormley, Sustainability Education, will host the information session which will take place online on Wednesday 05 June from 13:00 – 13:45. Register for the session here.

About the programme

The SLWC+ programme is designed to support lecturers to effectively integrate community engaged learning - also known as service-learning - into modules and programmes to deliver a highly engaged student experience. It engages students in the application of learning in real-world contexts and develops students’ team working skills and work preparedness through the collaborations it supports.

By enabling an embedded learning experience, students become more informed and understanding of our complex World through the multiple perspectives and points of view introduced through collaboration. The SLWC+ programme has developed well-tested resources to support faculties to embed community-engaged learning into their modules and has created institutional knowledge - a body of practitioners distributed across TU Dublin’s faculties and schools who have experience in integrating the model into their teaching approach.