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Patrick Flynn

Image for Patrick Flynn

Head of Teaching & Learning, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment


Tel: (01) 2206578

Patrick Flynn is the Head of Teaching & Learning in the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment in TU Dublin.

He is currently serving on the Education Academy for Engineers Ireland. He has served on the Board of Architectural Education of the Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland (RIAI) which is the professional accrediting body for all Irish architectural programmes.

He has acted as guest architectural critic to universities in Ireland, UK, Europe and USA. He has researched existing and new pedagogies and published on these in subsequent academic papers and presented at numerous conferences in Europe and the USA; most recently as a keynote speaker in Turin and as an invited panellist at the ACSA conference. He is one of ten elected council members of the EAAE (European Association for Architectural Education) which has over 120-member schools in Europe and he is co-leader of their Education Academy.

He is working on the TU+ European alliance on behalf of TU Dublin. He is the co-editor and contributor of a book titled Rethinking The Crit published by Routledge, New York & London, (2023).

Image for Patrick Flynn