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Membership Profiles

Membership Profiles

(Discip. Schol.) B.A., Ph.D. [TCD] is Director of Research at the Institute for Policy Research at the University of Bath. Charles is also an adjunct assistant professor at Trinity College Dublin, Johns Hopkins University and the Institute of Public Administration (Dublin). Charles is also Vice President of Accounting Technicians Ireland and a member of ATI’s Board of Directors. Charles was previously special advisor to the Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee on Health, Dr. Michael Harty, TD (Ind.) and to Senator Sean Barrett (Ind.) of the Irish Senate.

Charles has authored several items of Irish legislation and over 90 scholarly articles, most especially in the areas of finance, cryptocurrencies and public policy economics. In his spare time Charles is also one of the directors of the annual Kennedy Summer School.



Princewill Aguele is the VP for Events and Engagements. He is an international student from Nigeria currently pursuing an MSc in Applied Cybersecurity as well as holding a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science from the Benson Idahosa University, Nigeria. Before joining TU Dublin for his master's Program, he worked as a branding consultant for concept61 in Nigeria with clients like Jameson, Hennessey and various others. Princewill’s key areas of work will focus on cultural and diversified events that cater to the general population of the student body regardless of background, making the campus welcoming and engaging for everyone.

Norah Burns

Dr Norah Burns is a human rights academic. She holds a Bachelor of Law in Law and European Studies, a Masters of Law in Human Rights in Criminal Justice and a PhD in law. She completed a Masters in Third Level Teaching, Learning and Scholarship in 2020 and has also completed postgraduate studies in human rights in Kings College London. In 2018 Norah was selected from 13,000 young people in Europe and Asia as a future young ethical leader in Europe by the Asia Europe Foundation. Dr Burns is a multiple award winning lecturer, amongst her awards in 2021 she was named as a National Teaching Hero by the Union of Students in Ireland and the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Norah is a board member of the National Women’s Council. In April 2021 she was selected by the Minister for Children and Equality to sit on the Council of Gaisce: The Presidents Award.

Michael Carr

Michael Carr is a lecturer in Mathematics and Statistics in the College of Engineering and Built Environment in TU Dublin. My research interests include the first-year experience of students and development of core mathematical skills in university students, and mathematics education for engineers. I am also interested in Maths education in prisons.

Catherine Clune Mulvaney

Catherine is the Operations & Education Manager in the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, RCSI, University of Medicine and Health Sciences. In this role, Catherine works collaboratively with the Executive Director and Faculty Board to ensure that Faculty activities contribute towards the delivery of the faculty’s strategic plan. Catherine has extensive experience in programme design and delivery, quality assurance and standard setting in education and programme evaluation. Catherine is the Executive lead on corporate governance for the faculty with responsibility for the management of the Risk Register. Catherine successfully held the post of Acting Executive Director in the Faculty, for a 12-month period (Oct 17-Sept 18), during which she gained extensive experience in strategic management, corporate governance, leadership and networking. Currently, Catherine is Chairperson of the Podiatrists Registration Board at CORU, Chair of the Board of Management Glasnevin Educate Together National Primary School and a member of the Medical Council’s Registration Review Board. Catherine joined the RCSI in January 2006 as a Lecturer. Prior to this, she held the post of Clinical Nurse Manager 11 in the ICU/HDU, Our Lady’s Hospital, Navan, Co. Meath (2004-2005) and staff nurse in renal transplantation, orthopaedics and intensive care in Beaumont Hospital, Dublin (1996-2003). Catherine’s commitment to social justice led her to spend three months in Albania in 1996 as a volunteer worker. Catherine holds a HDip (Intensive Care Nursing), BSs (Nursing), MSc (Nursing), PG Dip (Clinical Health Sciences Education) and a Fellowship of the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, RCSI (FFNMRCSI). Catherine is also registered as a Nurse Tutor.

Mary Cooke

Mary is a graduate of Trinity College Dublin and of the Honourable Society of Kings Inns, Dublin. She practiced at the Irish Bar from 1988 to 1996 and from 1996 to 2020 worked in the Office of the Attorney General as Advisory Counsel and in that role had extensive experience in advising on the range of constitutional and other public law matters, directing on litigation involving the State and advising on draft legislation. Mary was a member of the Office’s management committee from 2009 to 2020 and had a particular role in learning and development. She has been a member of various Government interdepartmental and wider committees concerning areas of public policy. Since 2021 Mary has been engaged as an international legal expert in legal and judicial reform projects with the Council of Europe.

Michael Gately

Michael Gately is an International Non-Executive director, company founder and a serial investor. He has worked in well over 100 countries, visiting at least 25 countries every year for over 20 years. These countries included Afghanistan, Haiti, Indonesia, Pakistan & Iran.

Apart from Ireland, he has been a director of companies in Algeria, Turkey, France, South Africa, Vietnam, China & Australia. Areas of investment interest include organic farming, water treatment, adhesives/paints, early-stage digital technology, chemicals and general manufacturing.

He has worked on research projects with The University of North Carolina, the University of Ulster, Montana University, Stanford University and Leeds University.

While Michael was MD of Medentech- Aquatabs, it was named by Forbes Magazine as one of the top 100 companies changing the world.

Today over 18 million African children receive safe water every day from Aquatabs products, while top USA hospitals such as Mayo Clinic, Cleveland Clinic & Johns Hopkins use products he and his team developed for infection control programs. Michael is the inventor of “ WASH year in a box” which brings all infection control products needed for rural hospitals in developing countries in one box for one year for €1 per day.

William Johnston

William Johnston is an economics graduate of Trinity College Dublin, a solicitor and consultant with Byrne Wallace Shields LLP. He was a partner for 30 years in Arthur Cox LLP where he was head of the Financial Services Department and a member of the management team.

William was co-chair of the International Bar Association's Banking Law Division and is currently the external examiner in banking law and lecturer in finance law for the Law Society. He is the author of "Banking and Security Law in Ireland" (2nd edn Bloomsbury Professional, 2020) and editor of international finance law books published by Oxford University Press.

William is a member of the Institute of Directors and a member of the Board and Audit & Risk Committee of Port of Waterford Company. He is a Governor, Board member and Honorary Secretary of the National Maternity Hospital, Holles Street, Dublin

Pamela Kelly has been a Lecturer in Sociology in the School of Humanities, TU Dublin, Blanchardstown Campus since 2005. Pamela was the Academic Staff Member on both the Governing Body, Blanchardstown Campus from 2012–2018, and the Joint Governing Bodies Strategy Steering Group from 2017-2018. Pamela was awarded a National Teaching Hero Award in 2014 and 2021 by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Pamela is also a member of the Governing Body Nominations and Process Committee.

Dr Deirdre Lillis President

The Governing Body of Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin) has appointed Dr Deirdre Lillis, as TU Dublin President.

Dr. Lillis comes from her role as Assistant Secretary-General at the Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, overseeing the Research, Innovation, Evidence for Policy and EU/International Division. She has led key national initiatives, including the Impact 2030 Research and Innovation Strategy and the Global Citizens 2030 International Talent and Innovation Strategy. Her extensive experience and expertise encompasses government operations, policy development, international collaborations and the nexus between policy and research.

A proven senior executive in higher education, Dr. Lillis’s prior experience includes university leadership roles in university-enterprise engagement in TU Dublin and as Head of Computer Science in Dublin Institute of Technology. She has a track record of research capacity building, internationalisation and transformation in higher education including being principal investigator for an unprecedented national investment in university-enterprise engagement through the Human Capital Initiative Convene project, as well as the HubLinked Knowledge Alliance and the Marie-Curie funded Global Entrepreneurial Talent Management programme.

She is a Chartered Director and has held roles on the governing authorities of various prominent organisations, including the board of the Higher Education Authority, the Senate of the National University of Ireland and the board of the Irish Writers Centre. Her research interests include national research and innovation systems, higher education policy, university-industry innovations and young talent management. She has won European awards for her sustained commitment to developing the careers of female academic staff and for increasing the participation of females in technological higher education programmes.

Eamonn Maher

Eamon Maher is the Director of the National Centre for Franco-Irish Studies in TU Dublin. Author of four monographs and 27 edited/co-edited books, he is also the General Editor of two critically acclaimed academic book series with Peter Lang Oxford, Reimagining Ireland and Studies in Franco-Irish Relations. Recent publications include (with Brian Lucey and Eugene O’Brien), Reimagining the Celtic Tiger (Peter Lang, 2019); (with Eugene O’Brien), Reimagining Irish Studies for the Twenty-First Century (2021), which is the special 100th volume in the Reimagining Ireland series; and (with Máirtín Mac Con Iomaire), New Beginnings: Perspectives from France and Ireland (2023). Eamon is an internationally renowned scholar of the work of John McGahern (1934-2006), on whom he has published two monographs, John McGahern: From the Local to the Universal (Dublin: The Liffey Press, 2003) and ‘The Church and its Spire’: John McGahern and the Catholic Question (Blackrock: Columba Press, 2011), and one collection (with Derek Hand), Essays on John McGahern: Assessing a Literary Legacy (Cork University Press, 2019). He also published one of only two monographs available on the French writer on whom he did his PhD research, Jean Sulivan (1913-1980): La marginalité dans la vie et l’oeuvre (L’Harmattan, 2008). He is currently writing a book in English on Sulivan.

Eamon is an Officier dans l’Ordre des Palmes Académiques, an award bestowed on him by the French Government for his outstanding work in promoting Franco-Irish relations.



Post Grad Student member

Bob Ó Mhurcu

Bob is the Senior Manager for Admissions at TU Dublin, with responsibility for CAO entry, Postgraduate (Taught Programmes), and International Student entry to the University, as well as Student Garda Vetting. Following a career in hospitality which saw him work in Ireland, Dubai, and the US, Bob returned to full-time study as a mature student in 2004, and gained a B.A. and a M.Sc. from Dublin City University before joining Dublin Institute of Technology in 2008 as the Mature Student Support Officer. He subsequently served as Head of Disability Support Services at DIT before leaving to take up the post of Academic Administration & Student Affairs Manager at the Institute of Technology Blanchardstown in 2017. Bob was delighted to return to the fold with the founding of TU Dublin in January 2019, and has served in his current role since July 2022. He is currently studying for the Doctorate in Higher and Adult Education at Maynooth University, where his research is focused on the post-entry experiences of students entering via the HEAR and DARE Schemes.

In his spare time, he enjoys baseball, Lego, restoring classic cars, collecting vintage vinyl LPs, and is also the Chair of Act Out Youth Theatre in Navan.

Conor O’Donovan

Conor O’Donovan is Head of Global Marketing and Corporate Communications at Enterprise Ireland (EI), the Irish Government agency which helps businesses to start, innovate and scale internationally. Enterprise Ireland clients employ over 220,000 people and export over €25bn of products and services across the world.

Conor has led the transformation of EI’s marketing and communications division and brand across 40+ overseas markets to support the internationalisation of Irish exporters through strategic communications, digital marketing and reputation building. Conor also manages national communications and marketing for the Local Enterprise Office (LEO) network, the one-stop-shop for regionally-based microenterprises. Conor was previously Director of Policy & Communications at the Society of Chartered Surveyors Ireland, was awarded an MBA from UCD Smurfit Graduate Business School and holds a 1st Class Honours B.Comm from UCD

Eoin O'Shea

Eoin O’Shea is a commercial-law barrister and is also a chartered accountant and chartered tax adviser. Eoin is chairperson of An Síol, a community development charity working in the north inner city of Dublin and is also a director of QuinnBet. He has formerly served as a member of the audit committee of An Garda Síochána and as Ireland’s member of the European Court of Auditors. Eoin is currently a member of the taxation committee of Chartered Accountants Ireland and was a former council member of that Institute..

Aileen O’Toole is a Digital Strategist and a Chartered Director. She is a journalism graduate of the College of Commerce, now part of TU Dublin, and was Ireland’s first female Business Editor. She is a Co-Founder of The Sunday Business Post newspaper and was a member of the team responsible for building one of Ireland’s leading media brands. Aileen established a digital consulting business in 2001. She combines her advisory work on digital strategy, technology, marketing and communications with board roles. A fellow of the Marketing Institute of Ireland, Aileen has been involved in several initiatives to foster female leadership talent.



SU President

Sally Anne Sherry

Sally Anne Sherry is an experienced Director, Solicitor and Founder with over 20 years of experience in law and business. A first-class honours graduate of the University of Galway, Sally Anne qualified as a solicitor with Matheson in 2007 and later worked with a number of leading real estate companies in Dublin and London. She completed the Chartered Director Programme with the Institute of Directors in Ireland in 2021 and a course in Business Sustainability Management at the University of Cambridge in 2022. She is a Non-Executive Director of CEIST (Catholic Education An Irish Schools’ Trust), the Trustee body for 107 Voluntary Catholic Secondary Schools in Ireland, and a charity called As Darragh Did. She is a Co-Founder of an e-commerce business called Kahm Sustainable Swimwear and a mother of four young children.

leslie shoemaker

Leslie Shoemaker is a Lecturer in the School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering (SEEE) formerly in Kevin St., DIT and now in Grangegorman, TU Dublin where she teaches both undergraduates and apprentices. Leslie developed and implemented the award-winning ESTeEM mentoring programme in 2017 for female students, including transwomen and nonbinary students, in Engineering, ICT and Computer Science programmes. In 2019 it was the only initiative selected by Athena Swan as the example of best practice when DIT was given the bronze award. Additionally, Leslie has been a member of the TU Dublin Child Protection Committee since its inception, and she is currently the TUI elected representative on the Grangegorman Development Agency (GDA) committee. In 2002 Leslie assisted in developing OCD Ireland to assist individuals who have this disorder as well as their family and friends. For twelve years she served as the volunteer Clinical Manager as well as the national spokesperson for the organisation. Leslie has continued to be a regular contributor on Newstalk and RTE radio as well as on Virgin Media. In 2015, Leslie was the lead professional on the RTE documentary, OCD and Me. Leslie holds a BA (Hons) in Psychology as well as an MSc in Counselling Psychology and is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist.