Dr. Nóirín MacNamara

Image for Dr. Nóirín  MacNamara

Postdoctoral Researcher

Email: noirin.macnamara@tudublin.ie

Nóirín MacNamara is a Postdoctoral Researcher at RINCE at the Technological University of Dublin. She is currently working on the EU funded Project FITTER.

Nóirín holds a PhD in political theory from Queen’s University Belfast. She is an experienced qualitative researcher and has published on reproductive justice and politics, advancing equity in higher education, qualitative research methods, and feminist political theory.


Research Interests

Intersectionality as a form of critical inquiry and praxis; Reproductive Health, Justice, and Politics; Feminist Political Theory


Selected Publications

MacNamara, N., Bloomer, F., Morgan, L., & Roberts, R. (2024). Healthcare professionals’ attitudes towards the termination of pregnancy: a qualitative analysis of survey data in Northern Ireland. Culture, Health & Sexuality, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/13691058.2024.2324004 

MacNamara, N. and Bloomer, F. (2023) Marking the Absence of an Embodied Theology: A qualitative analysis of how people of faith talk about abortion in Northern Ireland. In Bloomer, F and Turtle, K. (eds) Faith and Abortion. London: Policy Press

Mackle, D. Bloomer, F. MacNamara, N. Pierson, C Bloomer, S. (2023) ‘The workplace as a site of abortion surveillance.’ Gender Work and Organisation. https://doi.org/10.1111/gwao.13100 

NíChonaill, B., Lawlor, G., MacNamara, N. McGlynn, L., Smith, G. (2022) Embedding anti-racism in the teaching, learning and assessment of the Community Development and Youth Work programme: Lessons learned to date. Irish Journal of Academic Practice https://arrow.tudublin.ie/ijap/vol10/iss2/ 

NíChonaill, B., MacNamara, N. and Lawlor, G (2022) Embedding Anti-Racism in the Community Development and Youth Work Programme: the Focus on Positionality. Re-imagining higher education through equity, inclusion and sustainability (RISE). Proceedings of the 2nd. EUt+ International Conference on Equality, Diversity and Inclusion, Technical University of Sofia, Sozopol, Bulgaria, 1-3 September. https://doi.org/10.21427/cd2h-wr59 

MacNamara, N. and O’Connor, N. (2022) The trade union movement influence on abortion law changes in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland In Bloomer, F. and Campbell, E. (eds) The Road to Decriminalisation of Abortion in Northern Ireland. Allies and Abortion Provision. London: Bloomsbury

MacNamara, N., Mackle, D., Trew, J. D., Pierson, C., & Bloomer, F. (2020). Reflecting on asynchronous internet mediated focus groups for researching culturally sensitive issues. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(5), 553–565. https://doi.org/10.1080/13645579.2020.1857969 

Image for Dr. Nóirín  MacNamara