Speak Out
Speak Out
Speak Out is an anonymous reporting tool that allows all members of our TU Dublin community (staff, student, contract staff and visitors) to record negative personal incidents or witness incidents that they have experienced during their time at TU Dublin. It is not a formal reporting mechanism but a pathway to support both within TU Dublin and the agencies and services throughout Dublin.
Speak Out is part of the Framework for Consent in Higher Education and enables data collection on the prevalence rates of sexual violence and harassment across the sector. Given the intersectional nature of sexual misconduct, the tool also collects data on multiple forms of misconduct, such as; Bullying, Cyber Bullying, Inappropriate Image Sharing, Harassment, Stalking, Discrimination, Hate Crime, etc.
The main goals for collecting this data are to:
- Monitor trends of violence and harassment both at an institutional level and nationally across the sector
- Improve institutional and national policies and responses to reports and to ensure appropriate support to all members of the university community
- Inform Targeted Initiatives and educational interventions such as training, workshops, and awareness campaigns etc.
As Speak Out is completely anonymous, the University will not respond to any report submitted on Speakout, However, the tool will, very importantly direct you to appropriate supports and provide you with information on what formal reporting procedures are available to you as either Students or Staff .
TU Dublin is a multicultural community that values and promotes Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI). The University does not tolerate unlawful discriminatory practices or behaviour such as bullying, harassment or sexual violence.
For the TU Dublin Dignity & Respect Policy and Procedures and Student Disciplinary Policy and Procedures, please click:
Student Policies for reporting
To anonymously report an incident, please click here: https://tudub.speakout.ie/
(Note: If you would like to preview the questions involved in reporting an incident anonymously you can click through the questions in the tool, but please do not click submit unless you wish to go ahead and report an incident).