TU Dublin is proud to be a member of the Safe, Respectful, Supportive and Positive-Ending Sexual Based Violence and Harassment in Irish Higher Education Institutes(2019) which outlines a framework that promotes a healthy and informed understanding of consent and relationships in higher education systems.
TU Dublin strives to provide a safe and positive work and study environment for all staff, students and visitors in which all forms of Sexual violence, Gender-based violence, and Harassment are unacceptable and where individuals have the confidence and trust in the process to disclose and seek support, in the knowledge that their concerns will be dealt with appropriately and fairly through the enactment of the “Ending Sexual Violence and Harassment at Higher Education Institutes Implementation Plan”(2022-2024).
Professor Yvonne Galligan (yvonne.galliagn@tudublin.ie), Director of EDI oversees the Implementation Framework, Catherine Bolger (catherine.bolger@tudublin.ie), the Sexual Violence Prevent and Response Manager reports directly to Professor Galligan on all aspects of the Framework.
TU Dublin is committed to the provision of a caring environment that fosters ideas, relationships, and individual personal development where:
- Everyone has the right to be treated with dignity and respect and can work and study in a rewarding, safe, and stress-free environment;
- Sexual Violence, Gender Based Violence and Harassment will not be tolerated and can lead to disciplinary action;
- The environment will enhance performance and achievement and enable all members of our University community to fully develop their skills and talents and achieve their full potential.
In addition, the University wants to create a climate of trust through the provision of a transparent oversight process, and to take a proactive approach to monitor and publish statistics and identify actions that address any patterns of inappropriate behaviour that arise.