Anti-Racism Reading Groups
Anti-Racism Equality Reading Groups run each semester in TU Dublin. Each group runs for 5 weeks and covers the historical, structural, institutional and individual dimensions of racism.
Anti-Racism Reading Groups have been running in TU Dublin each semester since October 2020, with the student group, facilitated by Zuzana Tesarova and Melody Chinenyanga, running since October 2021.
The format presents being anti-racist as a continuous journey, the goal of which is move alongside discomfort with compassion in order to produce change. The format enables learning about the historical, structural, institutional and individual dimensions of racism, and unlearning key embedded assumptions, beliefs and attitudes. Participants develop an understanding that a commitment to anti-racist education entails questioning our own thoughts and habits and practicing different ways of listening to and working with people.
We propose that as a university community we are well placed to meaningfully contribute to the broader move away from understandings of racism as primarily individualized in Irish society, relating to ‘good’ and ‘bad’ people, and toward an understanding of racism as systemic and requiring personal and societal transformation.
Participants work through a five-part resource developed by the EDI Directorate. The format facilitates time for learning, reflection, analysis and assessment of values, attitudes and behaviours. Each session involves:
- Problem posing – Participants read/listen to/watch the resources provided. The resource material presents issues and challenges that represent our social, cultural and historical realities.
- Dialogue – Discussion questions are intended to facilitate a horizontal exchange between people, in which empathy and communication are emphasized.
- Critical thinking and analysis: Participants are encouraged to engage in thoughtful refection and questioning. We need to acquire the skills to challenge our assumptions and previous understandings of racism in order to begin realistic problem-solving.
Reading Group Resource
- E:
- Facilitators: Nóirín MacNamara, Anna-Maria Mullally, Anne Marie Fidgeon, Melody Chinenyanga (Student Group), Zuzana Tesarova (Student Group)