Dr. Alicja Bobek

Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher
Email: alicja.bobek@tudublin.ie
Alicja is a Senior Post-Doctoral Researcher at RINCE. She recently completed work on the RESISTIRÉ project, which investigated the effects of COVID-19 on inequalities in Europe. Prior to joining TU Dublin, Alicja completed several research projects in the area of work and employment, migration, workplace diversity, and social integration. She also worked as the Adjunct Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin, where she taught undergraduate and postgraduate modules in research methods, sociology of migration, and European Societies. Alicja has a PhD in Sociology from Trinity College Dublin, an MA in Sociology and an MA in Migration and Ethnic Studies from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow.
Research Interests
Social inclusion and equality; employment and working conditions; international migration and migrants’ integration
Select Research Projects
AIB Research Centre on Inclusive and Equitable Cultures (RINCE),Directorate of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion,Technological University Dublin
- Timeframe: 2021-2023
- Funder: Horizon 2020 , Grant Agreement no. 101015990
Role: Postdoctoral Researcher
Project: GEOFIN - Western Banks in Eastern Europe: New Geographies of Financialisation (Financialisation of households)
- Department of Geography, Trinity College Dublin
- Timeframe: 2018-2021
- Funder: European Research Council
- Role: Research Fellow
Project: Social Implications of Precarious Work
- TASC: Think-tank for action on social change
- Timeframe: 2016-2018
- Funder: FEPS: Foundation for European Progressive Studies
- Role: Senior Researcher
Project: Working Conditions in Ireland
- TASC: Think-tank for action on social change
- Timeframe: 2015-2016
- Funder: FEPS: Foundation for European Progressive Studies
- Role: Researcher
Project: WORK>INT: Assessing and enhancing integration in workplaces
- Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin
- Timeframe: 2014-2015
- Funder: European Integration Fund
- Role: Postdoctoral Researcher
Project: Learning from Poland? The implications of Polish migration to Ireland for contemporary Irish emigration
- Employment Research Centre, Department of Sociology, Trinity College Dublin
- Timeframe: 2012-2013
- Funder: Irish Research Council
- Role: Postdoctoral Researcher
Select Publications
Bobek, A., Wickham, J. and Pembroke, S. 2020. ‘Living in precarious housing: non-standard employment and housing careers of young professionals in Ireland’, Housing Studies. DOI: 10.1080/02673037.2020.1769037.
Bobek, A. 2020 ‘Leaving for the money, staying for the quality of life. Case study of young Polish migrants living in Dublin’, Geoforum 109: 24-34.
Bobek, A. and Wickham, J. 2018. ‘Blurring boundaries: informal practices in formal employment in Ireland’, Industrial Relations Journal, 49(4): 336-351.
Bobek, A., Wickham, J., Moriarty, E. and Salamonska, J. 2018. ‘Is money always the most important thing? Polish construction workers in Ireland’, Irish Journal of Sociology. 26(2):162-182.
Bobek, A. and Wickham, J.2017. ‘The ownership of time: Work in the Irish hospitality sector’, Irish Journal of Social Anthropology, 20(2): 17-25.
Bobek A. and Devitt, C. 2017. ‘Workforce diversity in Irish hospitals: perspectives of Irish and foreign-born professionals and their managers’, Employee Relations, 39(7): 1015-1029.
Moriarty, E., Wickham, J. Bobek, A. and Daly, S. 2016. ‘Portability of Social Protection in the European Union’, in: A. Amelina, K. Horvath and B. Meeus (eds), An Anthology of Migration and Social Transformation, IMISCOE Research Series.
Moriarty, E., Bobek, A., Daly, S and Wickham, J. 2015. ‘Graduate Emigration from Ireland: Navigating new pathways in familiar places’, Irish Journal of Sociology, Vol. 23, Issue. 2: 71-92.
Krings, T., Moriarty, E., Wickham, J., Bobek, A. and Salamonska, J. 2013. New Mobilities in the New Europe. Polish Migration to Ireland Post-2004. Manchester University Press.
For full list of publications please see: Alicja Bobek Google Scholar Profile
Select Conferences
06 September 2021: ‘Routes to precariousness: the expansion of fixed-term contracts in the Irish Higher Education and Early Childcare Education’ (Webinar).
17-18 September 2020: ‘Precarious work and precarious lives: the role of luck, chance and social connections’, 8th Annual NERI Labour Market Conference (Webinar).
11-14 September 2019 : ‘‘Subordinated financialisation’? The role of credit and debt in everyday lives of households in East and Central Europe’. 17th Polish Sociological Congress: Me? Us? Them? Subjectivity, Identity, Belonging, Wroclaw.
24-26 April 2019: ‘Precarious professionals at work and beyond: the role of luck and social connections’, 37th International Labour Process Conference, Vienna.
27-18 October 2017: ‘What constitutes “work”? Working time and pay in non-standard employment’, 3rd International Conference Social Boundaries of Work: Methodological and practical problems of research on work and employment in modern societies’, Katowice.
12 May 2017 : ‘Part-time work, full-time commitment; employment in the Irish hospitality sector’, 5th NERI Labour Market Conference, Maynooth University.
4-6 April 2017: ‘Be careful what you wish for: Enforced flexibility and working conditions in Ireland’, 35th International Labour Process Conference, Sheffield.