Learning, Teaching & Assessment

Dolores McManus

Image for Dolores McManus

Academic Developer

Email: dolores.mcmanus@tudublin.ie

Tel: 353-1-2206063

Dolores studied History & History of Art through UCD’s modular evening degree. Then followed up with an MA in Design History & Material Culture (NCAD) and recently an MSc in Applied eLearning (TU Dublin). She has moved into the academic developer role recently, having previously worked as Digital Skills Coach, and in VLE support. She has been with DIT/TU Dublin since 2002. Her current areas of focus include active learning strategies, student engagement, eportfolios and formative assessment. She is happy to facilitate workshops etc on these topics. She currently teaches on the CPD modules “Technology Enhanced Learning, Teaching and Assessment” and “Assessment and Feedback”. Dolores is the LTA link for the Faculty of Sciences and Health.

Image for Dolores McManus