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Stream 2 - Work Package 2.2

Develop a Curriculum Framework for Digital Transformation, Resilience and Sustainability in Higher Education

The rapid and continuous pace of development in information technology has fundamentally changed public service customer expectations of how services can be presented for consumption at a time and place of their choosing. Education models are increasingly student centric in their design and student expectation increasingly favours digitally-enabled services, be that in the classroom, the exam hall, or regarding their general engagement with their Institution. Digital capability has the potential to broaden access to higher education for a diverse range of learners and that offers anywhere, anytime engagement.

The focus of the Develop a Curriculum Framework for Digital Transformation, Resilience and Sustainability in Higher Education Work Package is on curriculum development and enhancement to support the development of graduate capabilities for digital transformation, resilience & sustainability in Higher Education (HE). This will be achieved through the embedding of Universal Design for Learning (UDL), digitally enabled content delivery and assessment within the curriculum framework.

The Curriculum Framework initiatives will include: