Dr Nevan Bermingham

Image for Dr Nevan Bermingham

Peer Assisted Learning Tutorials for Access & International Foundation Students undertaking Engineering

Our initiative is to expand our Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) Tutorial initiative to other STEM subjects perceived as “traditionally difficult”, such as Math and Engineering, within TU Dublin’s Access & International Foundation Programmes. This initiative will support international, socio-economically disadvantaged and lower prior attainment students acculturate to higher education and provide a safe and encouraging learning environment to improve their subject-specific knowledge. We will be using part of the ‘Partners in Innovation Fellowship’ scheme funding to equip the PAL Leaders with mobile technology that improves the efficiency and communications of these sessions whilst simultaneously providing them with ‘Assistive Technology’ tools that provides parity of opportunity to those with a range of disabilities.


  • Stefan Vanaga


Image for Dr Nevan Bermingham