The resources in this section have been designed to assist TU Dublin staff in developing online and blended modules that are accessible, supportive, engaging, and inclusive for all learners. They include practical guidance, and links to further resources, on providing appropriate and sufficient social, pastoral, and academic supports to learners in online and blended contexts.

Key topics include:

  • Orienting new students to online learning
  • Digital wellbeing, building community and establishing ‘social presence’ in the VLE
  • The role of universal design in ensuring accessible and inclusive online learning experiences
  • The impact of peer mentoring, assessment, and feedback on learner engagement
  • Digital literacies and the development of key transversal skills for learning, working, and living in technology-rich environments

First year for success

Help students to learn online

  • Helping students to learn online - Help students with their transition to online learning by identifying supports and resources that will assist their development of digital literacies