The TU Dublin strategic plan indicates an intention to prepare our graduates to be well rounded, independent thinkers and lifelong learners with the aptitude to adapt to this changing world and to roles that do not currently exist. Integral within this, a dynamic new model of education will inform how we design our curriculum and the attainment of generic outcomes independent of subject disciplinary knowledge by specifying what we want our students to become.  

Academic Council approved the adoption of the following three overarching TU Dublin Graduate Attributes in July 2023.   

The three approved institutional over-arching graduate attributes are: 

Graduates who are empowered to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing digitally connected world

Definition: Definition: Digitally capable life-long learners are defined at TU Dublin as students who have developed the skills, literacies, competencies and attributes necessary to live, learn and work responsibly in a digital society and who understand the importance of engaging in the ongoing self-motivated development of their digital capabilities from both personal and professional perspectives.  

Socially engaged and responsible graduates leading the sustainability and equity agendas with passion, purpose and resilience

Definition:  Sustainability–focused, global citizens are defined at TU Dublin as students who have developed the key competencies of embodying sustainability and equity values; embracing complexity in sustainability; envisioning sustainable futures; and acting for sustainability to address the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as set out in Green Comp, the European Sustainability Competence Framework. 

Graduates who are equipped with the skills and abilities to respond creatively, proactively and effectively to future challenges.

Definition Collaborative, real-world problem solvers are defined at TU Dublin as students/graduates who have the ability to frame and creatively solve problems: by interpreting and evaluating evidence; identifying and analysing relevant assumptions, arguments and perspectives; making judgments; implementing potential solutions; and using interpersonal & communication skills effectively to work as part of a team.  

Academic Affairs have established a Graduate Attributes Implementation Working Group who will develop further guidelines on the implementation of these Graduate Attributes.