Authentic Assessments are generally considered to be those where students have opportunities to engage in activities that mirror ‘real world’ tasks in meaningful contexts that prepare students to think, act, and behave in ways that resemble the practice of an expert in their discipline or field.
Although assessments that focus upon professional learning are viewed to be more relevant to students, their perceptions of authenticity are often dependent upon context and settings and fundamental concepts of what constitutes ‘real world’ can vary between different stakeholder groups.
This Toolkit provides resources to guide programme
teams and individuals to consider:
Developing an Authentic Assessment
Developing a Continuum of Authenticity across a Programme
This Authentic Assessment Toolkit draws upon work completed as part of the QQI project ProfASSESS funded under the 10th Anniversary Re-thinking assessment programme between Dec 2022 and June 2024. The Prof-Assess project aimed to develop a programme-based approach to building authenticity into
assessment and feedback processes through engagement with external stakeholders, including Professional, Regulatory and Statutory Bodies (PRSBs).
A digital badge is available for candidates who wish to undertake a programme which focuses on the practical application of authentic assessment. This badge encourages staff to reflect upon their assessment and feedback practice and consider how to make strategies more practical and related to the world.
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