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Student Evaluation of Programmes

In order to ensure the continuous improvement of the Student Experience, TU Dublin students are provided with opportunities to evaluate their programmes of study and provide us with details of their programmes as they experienced them.  This facilitates TU Dublin to ensure that its programmes continue to be delivered to a high standard and meet the needs of the students undertaking them. 

Programme Feedback System

At the end of the Academic Year, all students registered on major award programmes in TU Dublin are provided with the opportunity to evaluate their programme of study.

Students will receive a invitation from to complete an evaluation questionnare towards the end of the Semester.  On the closing of the survey students will receive details of the quantitative results of the questionnaire.  

The full results of the questionnaire are provided to the relevant Programme Co-ordinators who consider the feedback received and then close the feedback loop by responding to students summarising the key themes arising from this feedback and stating any actions that are being taken as result of this feedback.  

Programme Co-ordinators also forward summarised copies of the feedback to the relevant Discipline Board and School Management for further consideration and action.

An overall University wide Student Feedback Summary report is produced annually.  This report highlights the key trends and issues being raised by students.  This report is considered by the Academic Quality Assurance and Enhancement Committee and an action plan developed.  

Module Feedback System

At the end of each semester, lecturers will request that students provide them with feedback on each module.  Lecturers will do this by asking students to complete the Module Student Questionnaire (QA1 or Q6A forms).  

New Programme Feedback System Software - Information for Lecturers

TU Dublin is utilising new software to facilitate the collection, analysis and response to Student Feedback.  A pilot of this software took place in February 2023, with a further roll out expected in April / May 2023.  For further details please contact