In collaboration with the National Forum VIT&L initiative, Transform EDU Week ran from 22nd – 26th Nov’21. Five webinars disseminating key deliverables are presented.

TU Dublin’s transformative education framework is presented by Dr. Jeff King, Sandra Thompson and Martha Burton, highlighting STLR as a way to authenticate transformative learning under: civics, global culture, health and wellbeing, leadership, teamwork, research and innovation. They outline examples of co-curricular events supporting exposure, integration and transformation of these competencies.

This presentation focuses on the role of universitiesin promoting engagement with civic society. It examines how universities can contribute to inclusive, sustainable and empowered communities by educating young people to participate in civil society. Minister Simon Harris, Dr. Phil Mulvaney and Paula Donavan provide an overview of a new Active Citizenship course and findings from case-study research on community development in South Dublin.

Universal Design encompasses a set of design principles that offers all individuals, of diverse abilities and backgrounds, equal opportunities to learn. implementation requires a drastic shift in how we think about educational practice so that a greater diversity of students are accommodated. In this webinar, we present the work of a growing community of practice to initiate curriculum redesign to UD principles and to identify programmes for engagement of learners as UDL partners. 

  • Event Intro – Dr. Philip Owende
  • Full Presentation – Dr. Ger Craddock, Dr. Sheryl Burgstahler, Dr. Deirdre McQuillan, Margaret Kinsella

In this webinar, we hear from a panel of students, mental health advocates, employers, and Transform EDU researchers  on the importance of social and emotional competencies.  Transform EDU’s co-curricular approaches to their development in a series of workshops (SESW4Work) for final year students are presented


Contract cheating represents a challenge to academic integrity. Whilst no single solution exists, the importance of an educative approach is paramount. This presentation reviews the characteristics of contract cheating, including how educators can recognise breaches. It considers opportunities available to educators to mitigate risks of students succumbing to contract cheating, including how preventative measures can be implemented. 

Universities have been mandated under SDG 4.7.1 to develop sustainability literature graduates. In this webinar we explore the transformative nature of education for sustainability and its underpinning reflective pedagogy. We highlight approaches to measurement and evaluation and showcase the use of the UN’s sustainability literacy test with reflective practice in contextualising sustainability literacy across different disciplines.