Ronan Keaskin

Image for Ronan Keaskin

WS 3.4 - Co-Lead


Tel: (01) 220 7213

Ronan has been working at TU Dublin since January 2021 as a Sports Development Officer responsible for the overall sporting plan of activities for the Blanchardstown Campus as well as the operations management of its sports facilities. During Transform EDU, Ronan tookup a lecturing position on the Sports Management and Coaching Degree programme in Blanchardstown. Ronan has a Diploma in Sports and Exercise Therapy, a BSc in Education and Training from Dublin City University and an MSc in Exercise and Nutritional Science from University of Chester. Originally from Cavan but now living in Baldoyle. Ronan has always excelled at sport and has been a strong advocate for the transformative learning potential of sports and other extra curricular student activities in higher education. 

Image for Ronan Keaskin