Dr. Kevin O'Rourke

Image for Dr. Kevin  O'Rourke

WS 4.3 - Digital Supports

Email: kevin.orourke@tudublin.ie

Tel: (01) 220 6312

Kevin was the Strategic Project coordinator at the LTTC where he has acted in various roles, including Digital Campus Architect. His professional career has spanned advertising and publishing in Dublin, New York and London. He worked on publishing projects with Routledge and with the university presses at Oxford and Cambridge.  Kevin joined DIT as project manager for learning technology and worked with the Learning, Teaching & Technology Centre as head of eLearning support and development. In 2014 he was seconded part-time to the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education to work on developing the Digital Roadmap for Irish higher education. He subsequently worked full-time with the Forum to produce the report: Ireland’s Higher Education Technical Infrastructure A review of current context, with implications for teaching and learning enhancement. 

Image for Dr. Kevin  O'Rourke