Dr. Cormac MacMahon

Image for Dr. Cormac MacMahon

Project Director

Email: cormac.mcmahon@tudublin.ie

Tel: (01) 12206066

Cormac is a chartered engineer and has had a strategic remit for several academics projects at TU Dublin, including learning technology, education of sustainability and Transform EDU. Cormac spent 5 years in the Middle East where he was Dean of Business at Bahrain Polytechnic. Cormac has a track-record of publication in teaching and learning. Since returning to TU Dublin, Cormac led implementation of Brightspace and has taken up the project coordination of Transform-EDU and SATLE projects. Since project completion, Cormac has moved to the newly formed sustainability office as Senior Manager for Sustainable Education & Innovation.  

Image for Dr. Cormac MacMahon