Prof. Brian Bowe

Image for Prof. Brian Bowe

WP 5 - Lead


Tel: (01) 220 5266

Brian Bowe is Head of Academic Affairs at TU Dublin, prior to which he was Head of Learning Development in the College of Engineering & Built Environment. Brian leads the CREATE STEM education research group and is the European Aviation Safety Authority (EASA) quality manager for TU Dublin. He has facilitated over 300 education development workshops worldwide and consulted for numerous higher education institutes on topics such as problem-based learning, assessment, curriculum development, quality assurance, group learning and peer instruction.  His research interests include examining students’ approaches to learning within group-based project-driven pedagogies, gender studies in STEM education, cognitive development, conceptual understanding, sustainability and pedagogical evaluations, employing a wide range of methodologies, including phenomenology and phenomenography. His research group currently has 18 academic members and 12 PhD/MPhil students and is participating in three European funded projects

Image for Prof. Brian Bowe