Dr. Barry Ryan

Image for Dr. Barry  Ryan

WP2 - Team Lead

Email: barry.ryan@tudublin.ie

Tel: (01) 220 5671

Barry joined DIT following a period of post-doctoral research and an extended time in the molecular diagnostics industry after completing his degree (Biotechnology) and PhD (Applied Biochemistry) in DCU. He is an award winning and research active applied scientist with a proven expertise in the practitioner use of, and leadership in, evidenced-based pedagogies in modern higher education settings. He is concurrently a Senior Fellow of Advance HE, a National Forum Teaching and Learning Research Fellow, a Chartered Science Teacher and has been awarded institutional and national honours in recognition of his innovative teaching. Barry’s role in Transform Edu focusses on WP2, leading the development of the CoCREATEd Curriculum and subsequently as Ellen Kampinga’s research supervisor. Since project completion, Barry has become an Educational Model Academic Lead at TU Dublin. 

Image for Dr. Barry  Ryan