Digitally capable lifelong learners are defined at TU Dublin as students who have developed the skills, literacies, competencies and attitudes necessary to live, learn and work in an increasingly digital society and who will be able to continue to engage in the ongoing personal and professional enhancement of their digital capabilities after they graduate.
The development of digital capabilities is considered to be key to the future academic success and employability of our graduates. Correspondingly, TU Dublin has made the commitment to providing our students with the opportunities that they will need to develop
these capabilities. The Digital Capabilities Framework for Students sets out the skills, literacies, competencies and attitudes that have been identified as being important for our students to develop as part of their student learning experience, and supports staff and students as they work to embed and achieve the Graduate Attribute Digitally capable, life-long learners: Graduates who are empowered to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing digitally connected world.
A resource for staff has been developed that sets out student development needs associated with each capability noted in the framework, and suggests learning activities that could be embedded into teaching, learning, assessment, and feedback practices to help students achieve the graduate attribute 'Digitally capable, life-long learners".
Students are also encouraged to use the JISC Discovery Tool to review their strengths and explore their confidence levels across a broad range of digital proficiencies.
- Digital Capabilities Framework for Students (see the accompanying resource below)
- JISC Discovery Tool (student information page)
- Graduate Attributes Policy
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