TU Dublin Assessment and Feedback for Learning should be:
- Transparent and understandable:
Assessment method purpose, processes and standards are clear to staff and students from the early stages of the programme; - Valid, fair, practice- based and authentic:
Assessment practices are pedagogically informed and employed to support the development of professional skills, ethical conduct and Academic Integrity values; - Balanced across a programme:
Staff and student assessment and feedback related workload is managed to enable all students to evidence their learning through the successful completion of a range of constructively aligned assessments, directly aligned to specific learning outcomes; - Timely and enabling:
Adequate opportunities are provided for students to act upon feedback, to progressively take more responsibility for their own learning and their development as self-regulated, autonomous learners; - Student centred, active and engaging:
Assessment strategies foster interaction and dialogue around task requirements that can encourage students and staff to become collaborators in learning; - Beneficial to personal development:
TU Dublin assessment and feedback strategies have a beneficial, constructive impact on learning by helping to build students’ self-efficacy, confidence and self-esteem;