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Quality and Qualifications Ireland (QQI) define collaborative provision  as “arrangements whereby two or more providers are involved by formal agreement, nationally or internationally, in the provision of a programme”.  TU Dublin.  TU Dublin participates in a wide variety of collaborative provision arrangements with both national and international external organisations (i.e. collaborative partners).  These have been categorised into 8 Collaborative Provision Types outlined below.

A programme of study that leads to a TU Dublin award and is developed and delivered in whole or in part by a collaborative provider, which is not an awarding body. 

Collaborative Provision



TU Dublin develops and validates a programme of study leading to a TU Dublin award that requires part or all of the programme to be delivered by a partner organisation under a Contract for Services. 

Contract for Services

Franchising is the process whereby a validated programme of study leading to a TU Dublin award is wholly or partly delivered in the partner organisation by its own staff.  

Franchising Process

Provision of a TU Dublin programme, delivered, overseen and quality assured by TU Dublin and leading to a TU Dublin award in a facility in Ireland other than in one of the University campus locations and which involves a separate and named local agency in the provision and maintenance of local teaching facilities, learning resources and supports on behalf of TU Dublin. 

Off Campus Delivery

A programme developed and validated by TU Dublin in collaboration with one or more partner academic institutions, with degree awarding powers, which leads to a single award, that is conferred on behalf of all partners is referred to as a Joint Award.  Dual and Multiple awards are also jointly developed and validated programmes but lead to separate awards from TU Dublin and the partner institutions. 

Joint Dual and Multiple Awards

TU Dublin may develop and deliver a programme of study for a partner organisation, tailored for a specific group of students. 

Bespoke Provision

Student Mobility is the term employed when a registered TU Dublin student undertakes a minimum of one semester of study in another institution in another jurisdiction which is recognised as part of their programme of study leading to an award of the University. The student mobility arrangement is facilitated by a formal agreement between the University and the partner institution.

Student Mobility

An articulation agreement provides a formalised pathway for students to transfer from a partner University into a programme of study at TU Dublin with advanced standing through recognition of prior learning.

The quality assurance and enhancement procedures applicable to this type of collaborative provision are available from the Quality Framework Team.  

Approval of Articulation Agreements