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The Academic Quality Assurance Office reports to the Head, Academic Affairs, & Assistant Registrar – City Campus and has responsibility for planning, organising, managing and reporting in relation to the University’s quality enhancement programme and for the quality review processes at different levels within City Campus. In addition responsibility includes the population and maintenance of academic programme records including the catalogue of modules ensuring their consistency and compliance with the University’s academic quality procedures.

The Academic Quality Assurance Office is also responsible for coordinating and managing the business of Academic Council’s Academic Quality Assurance & Enhancement Sub-Committee and for a range of sub-groups and working parties.

The Office plays an important role in academic policy formulation and development which extends to implementing, reviewing and updating a range of academic policies including the City Campus Handbook for Academic Quality Enhancement and General Assessment Regulations, for example.

The Office is also responsible for engaging with national and international HE quality networks and agencies and has membership of the Irish Higher Education Quality Network and sub-groups of Quality & Qualifications Ireland (QQI). Further, the Office has a responsibility within the University in relation to the Bologna process.

The Office is closely involved in arrangements in relation to partnerships with external institutions/organisations and deals with enquiries in relation to the placement of the University’s awards on the National Framework of Qualifications (NFQ).