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Academic Governance

TU Dublin has a well define Academic Governance Structure, which includes a number of sub-committees which report to Academic Council.  Each of below Sections provided detail on Academic Council and its sub-committees. 

Academic Governance in TU Dublin

Details of the Meetings Schedule for Academic Council and its Sub-Committees is available on the staff intranet


The Academic Council is the statutory body charged with establishing and maintaining the academic standards and enhancing the quality of the student experience of the University.  All members of Academic Council and its Committees, whether elected or nominated, serve under terms and conditions established in the Technological Universities Act 2018. Subject to the 2018 Act, the Academic Council shall regulate under the Terms of Reference its procedures and business. 


The Academic Quality Assurance & Enhancement Committee (AQAEC) is a sub-committee of Academic Council. AQAEC shall have responsibility for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of University Quality Framework, Education Model and Learning, Teaching and Assessment Strategy


The University Programmes Board (UPB) is a sub-committee of Academic Council. UPB’s primary responsibility shall be approving, overseeing and monitoring the University’s education programme portfolio.

The Student Experience Committee (SEC) is a sub-committee of Academic Council. SEC shall have responsibility for overseeing and monitoring the student experience across the University. 

The Academic Regulations, Policies & Procedures Oversight Committee (ARPPOC) is a sub-committee of Academic Council. ARPPOC shall have responsibility for overseeing and monitoring the implementation of University academic regulations and policies, and their associated procedures. 

A Faculty Board is a sub-committee of the University Programmes Board. Faculty Boards have responsibility for supporting and monitoring the implementation of University academic policies, the Education Model and the Quality Framework across the Schools and Programmes within the Faculty. 

Each Faculty Board has an Academic Quality Enhancement Committee (AQEC)responsible for with responsibility for implementation of the Quality Framework in each Faculty. 

The Discipline Programme Boards also report to the Faculty Board and AQEC. A Discipline Programmes Board, under the guidance and direction of the School Executive, manages and monitors quality assurance and enhancement processes and procedures on all programmes within its remit. It is responsible for the quality of the programmes and for ensuring all relevant quality assurance and enhancement processes are completed.